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  1. Pratt75

    Max Payne 3 - Gen. Discussion & Info

    just jumped back in to multiplayer the last couple days. anyone else getting back in to it?
  2. Pratt75

    Max Payne 3 - Gen. Discussion & Info

    Feel free to send me a XBL friend request at Patrick3P. Sending you one now impostor1971.
  3. Pratt75

    Max Payne 3 - Gen. Discussion & Info

    does anyone else find trying to throw grenades to be a "payne" in the ass?
  4. Pratt75

    Max Payne 3 - Gen. Discussion & Info

    just requested a invite to the crew.
  5. Pratt75

    What's in the PS Store (5/31/16): Neon Chrome, Oxenfree, Primal, There Came an Echo, Plague Inc, & More!

    played for thirty minutes last night but couldnt save my game. id open the menu and go to save game but it wouldnt let me save.
  6. Pratt75

    Black Friday Super Show of Savings 2011 - Friday 1AM EST

    streaming the show now, thank u I am prepared for mediocrity!
  7. Pratt75

    Blacklight: Tango Down(XBLA) - 1200 points

    If you buy PSN plus it just means you have to wait longer for all the content. The wait time on PSN pisses me off too.
  8. Pratt75

    UFC 2010 League?

    I have the PS3 version if you guys want to add me and get some games in.
  9. Pratt75 MLB 2k10 Download $3 Opening Day Only (April 5th)

    I've gotten credit card errors multiple times on two different cards. WTF!!
  10. Pratt75

    Mass Effect 2 PC version/sealed FT

    its still sealed and looking for a good home
  11. Pratt75

    Mass Effect 2 PC version/sealed FT

    bumpage gentleman!
  12. Pratt75

    Mass Effect 2 PC version/sealed FT

    good night bump
  13. Pratt75

    Mass Effect 2 PC version/sealed FT

    I have the PC version of Mass Effect 2 FT, it's still sealed. I'm looking to trade it for a 360 or PS3 game.
  14. Pratt75

    Join the CAG Steam Community!
  15. Pratt75

    Netflix confirmed for PS3 - Coming next month. No additional cost to Netflix members!

    Putting a disc in is no big deal to me. I'm more than happy to, I'm just glad the service is coming to the trey.
  16. Pratt75

    Borderlands - Gen. Discussion & Info - OUT NOW (8.0 GS, 8.8 IGN, 88 Metacritic)

    I also just picked it up from BB. Feel free to add me.
  17. Pratt75

    XBLA - Trials HD - 1200pts

    Same here man, demo had me hooked.
  18. Pratt75

    Want to trade my UFC and Red Faction 360 version for PS3 version

    The title says it all. If your interested please let me know, thank you. Both are mint/complete.
  19. Pratt75

    Wipeout HD - Fury DLC Incoming

    I haven't purchased the fury add on yet and the ads were in my game today when I played it.
bread's done