Search results

  1. Ciffy

    XBL Deals - 2015

    bunch of suck and repeats... GTA IV and DLC, GTA V, GTASA, Sacred 3, Risen 3, P4AU, Escape Dead Island, all but the previous GTA games at laughably low markdowns. Guess that means I can safely go back and pick up Joe Danger 2 since there'll be nothing else to spend my monies on in the near...
  2. Ciffy

    XBL Deals - 2015

    So, depending on what's on sale tonight, can anyone sell me on Joe Danger 2 as far as completing it goes? I finished the first one 100% but it got quite tedious at the end. I've read around online and the consensus seems to be that this one is overall easier than the first; can anyone confirm or...
  3. Ciffy

    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    XBLDB is starting to pick stuff up. OH EM GEE you guys! Duck Dynasty for 50% off (it's the only thing listed as "gold exclusive")!!! *sarcasm*
  4. Ciffy

    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    Major just posted that most of the weekly deals have been extended to next Tuesday, so if there was something you were on the fence about, you have more time to think.  Note that those are all repeats; nothing new according to him and...
  5. Ciffy

    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    Ugh, this sale should have been called "Letdown to 2015" >_> Picked up Cartoon Network PTE to play with the kids, and Retro City and that's IT from 2+ weeks of daily deals and two long lists of weekly content. Really wish they would put more back catalog / older stuff on sale.
  6. Ciffy

    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    The Lego stuff is the new DoTW / DWG according to the major.  Terraria is the daily and it doesn't look like there's going to BE a third countdown weekly set. Also NBA 2K15 is showing back up on xbldb for the same...
  7. Ciffy

    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    Just curious, but where is the source on there being another week of deals next week (beyond just a new deal of the week)? MN's initial post said nothing of a second week of deals after this one. I'm as bummed out about the crappy selection as everyone else is, I'm just not very hopeful that...
  8. Ciffy

    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    hoping the new sales post early to xbldb. Thinking about jumping on last weeks Mickey Mouse and the Castle of Illusion, but only if there's nothing good in the upcoming week. =/
  9. Ciffy

    Steam/Origin etc Buy/Sell/Trade Thread! - READ THE OP! ONE POST EVERY THREE DAYS!

    Looking to get a copy of Rogue Legacy while it's on sale, but I don't get paid til Friday.  I can offer you $3 in amazon credit for the $2.99 steam title.  Help a brother out? Got it, thank you lwhitit!
  10. Ciffy

    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    Dragon Age: Origins for 3.74 (75% off) showing up gold exclusive.
  11. Ciffy

    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    Is there an open world component to the Lego Movie game or is it more linear like the older titles? My kids loved lego pirates, lego batman and lego marvel, and the lego movie, but I haven't bought this game yet (waiting for a better price) but I might bite at $20 since there hasn't been...
  12. Ciffy

    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    No, the just dance stuff has been up there for a while today, maybe even since this morning.
  13. Ciffy

    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    Skate 2 DLC, NCAA14 showing up gold only, far cry classic down to $2.49.  Going to stop posting now and just wait for the major to update.
  14. Ciffy

    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    Doesn't look like it.
  15. Ciffy

    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    Yeah, new stuff showed up since I got to work. skate 3 DLC and more AC stuff.
  16. Ciffy

    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    Yeah, I'm not getting my hopes up, as my want list is fairly small and mostly older games that haven't been on sale in ages or have never been on sale.  Either way, I'm heading to bed, have no problem waiting to see the deals tomorrow at work, if they post tonight.
  17. Ciffy

    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    Seems weird that they wouldn't have tuning since tuning in some form has been on the 360 since FM2. Either way, nothing on that list looks to be a deal breaker for me, as I was never much of a gearhead anyway, but I still enjoy that series. Cross country races would have been nice, but I...
  18. Ciffy

    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    I'd also be curious to know what your source is for that comment (that the 360 version of FH2 is stripped down / a different game).
  19. Ciffy

    XBL Deals - Jan 6 - Sep 4, 2014

    Guacamelee STCE 7.49, gold only.
  20. Ciffy

    XBL Deals - Jan 6 - Sep 4, 2014

    The thing is,, there are games there that I would buy on sale, but it seems like stuff that's beyond a certain date old, will NEVER go on sale again. I'd bite on a sale on Death by Cube, either Exit or Arkanoid, but nearly everything else on that...
bread's done