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  1. Jonman

    rayman legends

    rayman legends
  2. Jonman

    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    I need some advice from Cheapy, baldy-to-baldy. I've decided that my hairline has receded enough that it's time to start shaving my head. That's right, a full-on chrome-dome. Cheapy is the highest profile slaphead that I can directly ask for tips on shaving your own head. I've installed a...
  3. Jonman

    CAG's Win Everything* Black Friday Bonanza! - Congratulations, thenewnumbertwo!

    Holy smokapotamus! That's one hell of a prize bundle. Fingers, toes, legs and ballsacks are all crossed!
  4. Jonman

    Superstars V8 Racing (PS3) Mega Givaway

    Free is the new expensive.
  5. Jonman

    CAGcast #208: C*********s 101

    GentleCAGs, You talked on the episode about there being no new IP this year that's been selling well. A quick scan of this year's Top 20 monthly sales (as per NPDs) show a couple of titles that you guys overlooked. Just Dance has been a slow-burn success, albeit that it launched late last...
  6. Jonman

    CAGcast #205: Steve Job

    I salute Shipwreck in passing-out-brotherhood! I too have a history of passing out at inopportune moments. I passed out mid-way through my first tattoo. My tattooist handled it very gracefully. Told me it's not that uncommon, and he's seen huge biker dudes with testosterone dripping from every...
  7. Jonman

    [FINISHED] Cheap Ass Gamer $10,000+ GameStop Gift Card Giveaway

    Lalalala - gift cards! Lalalala - gift cards!
  8. Jonman

    [FINISHED] Cheap Ass Gamer $10,000+ GameStop Gift Card Giveaway

    I've just bought a house. I need to fill it with insane plastic game peripherals. Winning this would help me achieve that goal!
  9. Jonman

    CAGcast #195: A Toilet Crysis

    Ship got to meet Richard K Morgan? Sunnovabeyatch! He's one of my favourite authors, up there with Iain Banks and Alastair Reynolds.
  10. Jonman

    CAGcast #194: Shipwreck's Burden

    When does Ship's Arcade open? This could be the first thing to make we want to return to Cincinatti!
  11. Jonman

    CAGcast #191: Motion Fighters

    Hey Cheapy. On the topic of picking up radio interference, twisted pair wire may help. You could try braiding your speaker wire together to see if it helps. Simply twist the two lines of your speaker cable run together to make a helix of the cable run. The tigher the twist, the better. I...
  12. Jonman

    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    Hey Cheapers, Wombie and Shipperdeedoo, So, I've heard Cheapy talk about the soon-to-be CAG trading system. My question is this: why should I start using the CAG trading system instead of Goozex/Ebay/Amazon/Gamestop? Cheapy - put yer salesman hat on and convince me! Mind how you go, Jonman
  13. Jonman

    War Week & CAG Contest - 5 Weeks of $5 Downloadable PC Games at Direct2Drive

    Civ 4 for $5? Dagnabbit - I just paid $20 for it on Steam a month ago!
  14. Jonman Pre-Owned Box & Manual Guarantee - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

    Batman and RE5 are the top of my list.
  15. Jonman

    Win a PS3 Slim & Watchmen Blu-ray From Goozex

    Goozex name is the same as my CAG name: Jonman
  16. Jonman

    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    Maybe I'm a rare voice in support of Cheapy's Weedscapades (TM). The CAGcast revolves around the minituae of Cheapy and Wombat's lives, and like it or not, Cheapy's once-a-year dalliances with the herb are part of that. Can we move past the oversimplified "Drugs are bad, mmmkay" tabloid outrage?
  17. Jonman

    Contest (CAG Foreplay #61): Win DSi Swag

    I've already bought 3 DS's. A Phat when that was released, a Lite for the missus when that was released, and a second Lite when the wife dropped her first one. So there's going to have to be something earth-shatteringly amazing about the DSi for me to pay up a 4th time.
  18. Jonman

    Contest (CAG Foreplay #61): Win Ready 2 Rumble Revolution (Wii)

    Why has Chu Chu Rocket not been ported to XBLA? Why Sega, WHY??
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