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  1. ToBillBrasky

    [IMG] Big Ass Chains Hey Cheapy just picked up Saint Row 2, awesome game send me a friend...

    Big Ass Chains Hey Cheapy just picked up Saint Row 2, awesome game send me a friend request and well hit up Stillwater togther. ToBillBrasky
  2. ToBillBrasky

    Want: Halo 3 Wireless Headset

    I've got cash. let me know.
  3. ToBillBrasky

    Contest (CAGcast #117) Win a prop from the Iron Man Movie!

    Helicopter hat, show Inspector Gadget what the fuck is up.
  4. ToBillBrasky

    Contest (CAG Foreplay #41): Win Wii Classic Controller and 2000 Wii Points

    Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Metroid. SNES FTW.
  5. ToBillBrasky

    Contest: Win a Special Edition GTA IV Xbox 360 Elite Bundle! Post only once!

    My entry for the xbox... PAC-MAN FEVER It's the PACs version of the clap. :applause:
  6. ToBillBrasky

    20 GB HDD owners, how much space do you have left? problem is that my R6:vegas file is like 1.2GB with both packs downloaded
  7. ToBillBrasky

    Stranglehold - Gen. Discussion & Info

    Indeed it was good. Good like Tony Hawk.......with guns
  8. ToBillBrasky

    CAG Xbox Live Gaming Community (New thread up, please close this one)

    Hey throw me up on that list. ToBillBrasky/ToBillBrasky GoW, R6, Halo 2, I've got tony hawk but hardly play it.
  9. ToBillBrasky

    CAG Gaming Group - Halo and Other FPS Fridays

    Im always up for some Halo2, add me to the list, and anyone feel free to shot me a FR
  10. ToBillBrasky

    CAG Gaming Group - Rainbow Six: Vegas Thursdays (Gomer V1 or Wowous Hosting)

    Hey guys I'd love to get in on the RB6 action next time around. Anyone who wants too feel free to shoot me a Friend Request.
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