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  1. Pojo

    Club Nintendo Deals ~ New Games Up (11/17-12/14)

    Someone who has codes should make a thread. I assume CAG has a lot of codes to give away/sell. (Also I don't have platinum and I'm absolutely dying to play the demo!)
  2. Pojo

    BestBuy Pikmin 3 Wii U $26.99 with gamers unlocked coupon/@Gamer coupon

    I've had @gamer since the first issue. I'm part of the $30 unlocked club. They don't send me the coupons online, and I'm willing to trade something for a coupon. Is there a better place to ask?
  3. Pojo

    Best Buy @Gamer coupons for 4/6 to 5/3

    Already posted in the other thread, but...   If anyone has a Pikmin 3 coupon that they don't want, PM me in exchange for a club Nintendo points code (can get Pikmin 3, Tropical Freeze, or A Link Between Worlds).    I have a good track record on eBay, so you'll get your code ASAP (even sooner if...
  4. Pojo

    BestBuy Pikmin 3 Wii U $26.99 with gamers unlocked coupon/@Gamer coupon

    Same here (after the guys ahead of me, of course). PM me. I have a good track record on eBay, so you'll get your code ASAP (even sooner if I can pick up from store). I also have one for tropical freeze or a link between worlds.
  5. Pojo

    Wii U Pro Controller (White) $9.99 @ BBY YMMV

    Got three. Am ready for Smash and Mario Kart, woo. Finally got a deal to go my way.
  6. Pojo

    PSN Weekly Deals - 11/13: Game Show & Persona Sale! 11/19: PS+ on Vita Begins!

    I knew there was a reason why I didn't buy that Blobs game for $3 last week. Call me cheap, but I no longer buy curiosities. But now I'll get to play it anyway. And if I like it, Guacamelee is on lockdown, because I'm really interested in that game and it's by the same developer.
  7. Pojo

    Free movie or game rental on Wednesday 10/10 (Redbox's 10th Birthday Promo)

    Got Dishonored. Remembered this thread as I was walking out of Wal-Mart and BAM, Dishonored was there! I'm just glad that the promo code was easy to remember.
  8. Pojo

    Best Buy @Gamer Coupons expire 10/6 Mass Effect 3 $10, Lollipop Chainsaw $20 360 PS3

    Suda51 games are like B-movies. They don't review well, but you know if you are going to like it or not. From everything I've seen, if No More Heroes is your thing, so is Lollipop Chainsaw.
  9. Pojo

    Official Collector's Edition Compilation thread (Latest: Grand Theft Auto V CE/SE)

    I remember when Halo 2 cost $5 extra for a steelbook and a DVD. Those were the pure days, before cat helmets, disfigured figurines, and EXCLUSIVE NUKETOWN MAP PACKS MOTHERFRACKER.
  10. Pojo

    Best Buy [Unlocked] $20 RZ Cert. Pre-order Promo 2012

    Just Redbox it (on 360, anyway) if you're on the fence. I'm not on the fence. I'm buying it because I love RE and it's packed with a ton of content. I haven't played much of the game, but I'd be stunned if it's really a 4/10. I've seen too many examples of people forming an opinion of a game...
  11. Pojo

    Best Buy @Gamer Coupons expire 10/6 Mass Effect 3 $10, Lollipop Chainsaw $20 360 PS3

    Awesome, I'll pick it up when I go and get RE6. SO MANY GAMES TO PLAY!
  12. Pojo

    Mass Effect Trilogy $60 11/6 (360,PC,PS3))

    I'm just happy they're putting ME1 on the PS3 finally. Gonna get the whole series for under $40 by the time the whole thing is said and done. :P Awesome games, by the way!
  13. Pojo

    Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread VI

    One is the best arcade racer around (at least when Criterion does it), and the other is the best sim. GET BOTH!
  14. Pojo

    Best Buy [Unlocked] $20 RZ Cert. Pre-order Promo 2012

    So pumped for RE6. Best Buy finally got one away from NewEgg. :P
  15. Pojo

    Devil May Cry HD Coll (PS3/X360) $15.99 Newegg

    I've bought a few games like this before from different publishers (notably Ubisoft). It's not Newegg's fault.
  16. Pojo

    GameFly DotD: Game of Thrones $10, Asura's Wrath $15 and More

    You will never play those games. My advice? Only buy a game you will immediately (as in, drop what you are doing and play now) play. These $10 games add up.
  17. Pojo

    A new PS3 model with Uncharted 3 Game of the Year Edition September 25th

    I think the system looks pretty good, at least from the shots. Looks like a sports car or something. :P The price baffles me, though. Guess it's selling well enough?
  18. Pojo

    $12 off all Pre-orders $49.99 and up @ NEWEGG (YMMV)

    If the incentive is good enough, why not pre-order? I have three games waiting for me from Newegg. Saved like $40 + no tax and no shipping. And I'll dump those orders the second I see one lower (which I probably won't).
bread's done