Just managed to snag a copy of Halo 3 for $29.97 from the RS in Vancouver Mall, apparently the last copy in the area.
Might be up for grabs elsewhere though.
The amazingly retarded save system is the reason I've fired the game up only twice despite owning it for almost 3 months.
Strangely I'm reluctant to play a game that involves mincing about running halfway across the game world to save every 2 minutes. :x
As a handy tip, you can actually use Bad Company and the Bad Company demo as the games on the veteran page, meaning you don't actually need any other Battlefield games to unlock the F2000.
I'd be surprised if you were able to attach a reflex sight to your MP44 in CoD 4.
While I also thought that the modern setting for CoD 4 was a great change and very refreshing, I'm not going to pass up what may be a great game just because I'm kinda bored of WW2 games.
Unless Microsoft have finally revised the cooling system clamps, the problem is still going to be there.
Same goes for the shoddy solder jobs they're probably still using.
The loss of BC entirely is a hilarious change.
You mean to tell me that the PS3 can't even emulate a PS2 via an entirely software solution when the lowly Wii can handle the Gamecube that it's barely more powerful than and also emulate every system under the sun for VC games?
Sony are just...
65nm CPU + GPU chipset revision to replace the current Falcon 65nm CPU + 90nm GPU.
People are holding out a lot of hope they'll resolve the RROD issues but it's pretty unlikely they actually will.
Not to be sniffed at when you consider how stupid a white 360 looks sat next to a wall of black components.
Thank god I was able to return mine and jump on a cheap elite.
Yeah, I've been hoping the same thing.
Oh it's definitely nice if you just consider it a bonus to an existing subscription, I just wouldn't drop something like cable movie channels in order to rely solely on it.
There are people who have made thousands buying and selling gold on Ebay since the start of this promotion, if you consider the amount of time and effort involved in running a quick search, clicking buy and reselling it's pretty good money.
I'd suggest not, have you seen the selection of watch it now movies on Netflix?
Current queue = 192 movies
Instant Play movies in that list = 14 movies.
Not one of which was made after about 1999.