So I really want to get the Playfirst games, especially the ones $1.25 and under, but it's just hard to believe these won't all show up in bundles soon enough. And I could even see a Bundlestars Playfirst HOG bundle, just having all of them together. Decisions, decisions.
I like this idea. You could still do your 2 tier bundle, but then have a third tier for X game in whatever countries it was allowed for a nominal additional fee.
The only other different route would be to put together an entire bundle of games with the same region restrictions and only allow...
Thanks for the heads up on Black Mirror 2 and 3. I could've sworn I got Gray Matter somewhere, but I can't find anything for it at all.
Signed up for the groups and voted for Motte Island and Paranormal State, and did what was requested to get a key, now to wait for the keys to be sent...
I feel like since it's April Fool's Day, they're going to pull something out absolutely ridiculous, like a ton of AAA games, only there won't be a buy button and it'll just upset people until the run the actual next bundle next week.