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  1. G

    GamersGate Thread: (Moved to the Steam+ Deals Thread)

    I can't help but think these will all be bundled eventually. Still, though, it's only $6...
  2. G

    Bought SSFIV: AE on Steam? Get a extra steam key.

    If anyone has an extra one, let me know what you'd like for it.
  3. G

    Steam Deals Thread V11 ~ Let's move along, people...

    Thanks for this, but I think they're all gone now, unless I missed one.
  4. G

    Steam Deals Thread V11 ~ Let's move along, people...

    I'm glad you don't mind when I keep adding more every day.
  5. G

    Indie Royale - The Mixer 18 Bundle - The Debut 25 Bundle

    Seems like it'll be a Greenlight bundle, so hopefully it'll be $2 for the first 24 hours.
  6. G

    Steam Deals Thread V11 ~ Let's move along, people...

    Yup, that's what I meant. Those are my feelings as well, I think they're just trolling before the inevitable bundle/bundling.
  7. G

    Steam Deals Thread V11 ~ Let's move along, people...

    So I really want to get the Playfirst games, especially the ones $1.25 and under, but it's just hard to believe these won't all show up in bundles soon enough.  And I could even see a Bundlestars Playfirst HOG bundle, just having all of them together.  Decisions, decisions.
  8. G

    WTS PC-Steam Games!

    I'd like a price check on the Star Wars complete pack.  Thanks.
  9. G

    [PC] The Indie Gala Thread

    Thanks, I sent him a PM.
  10. G

    [PC] The Indie Gala Thread

    If anyone has a spare Happy Hour bundle, I'd be happy to take it off your hands. TIA
  11. G

    Cheaplikeafox's Official Indiegala Group Buy Thread

    Are you hosting any bundles for this latest happy hour?  If so, I'd like one.
  12. G

    Humble Bundle Thread

    I don't know whether to be happy or sad that disappointment came early today.
  13. G

    Humble Bundle Thread

    I'm holding out hope for Spelunky in the $1 tier.  Now there is likely no hope for it.
  14. G

    Blink Bundle Megathread | 12/09 - 12/16: Hidden Gems Bundle 3

    I like this idea. You could still do your 2 tier bundle, but then have a third tier for X game in whatever countries it was allowed for a nominal additional fee. The only other different route would be to put together an entire bundle of games with the same region restrictions and only allow...
  15. G

    Blink Bundle Megathread | 12/09 - 12/16: Hidden Gems Bundle 3

    After the bundles this week, I saw this in the recent threads list and thought YES, a decent bundle.  Then I clicked on it and my hopes were dashed.
  16. G

    Humble Bundle Thread

    So with all the Lego sales this week, does anyone think that maybe we'll get lucky and see... You know what, never mind, I don't want to Mooby it.
  17. G

    PC Games headed to all 65 Marc's stores!

    I moved away from Cleveland recently, but will be up there Wednesday and will stop by a Marc's or two to check this out.
  18. G

    Steam Deals Thread V11 ~ Let's move along, people...

    I received mine this evening and it did not go to junk mail Carl. Thanks again for getting them sent out!
  19. G

    Steam Deals Thread V11 ~ Let's move along, people...

    Thanks for the heads up on Black Mirror 2 and 3.  I could've sworn I got Gray Matter somewhere, but I can't find anything for it at all. Signed up for the groups and voted for Motte Island and Paranormal State, and did what was requested to get a key, now to wait for the keys to be sent...
  20. G

    Humble Bundle Thread

    I feel like since it's April Fool's Day, they're going to pull something out absolutely ridiculous, like a ton of AAA games, only there won't be a buy button and it'll just upset people until the run the actual next bundle next week.
bread's done