Hey, I've just disocvered a new gaming magazine, and guess what, it's downloadable and free! It's kinda monthly and sure it is a bit Aussie-centric, but I really enjoyed it.
There it is, hope you enjoy it.
According to this week's podcast, IT IS HAPPENING! (WOOOOO!). So Ron, could we get a release date, guest list or any other information that will get me (oh yeah, and the CAG community) salivating and not sleeping 'til the mp3 comes down through the interwebs?
After hearing CAGcast 148 and the revelation that Ron Workman may do a CAG podcast, I thought "THIS MUST HAPPEN!". So that's my thoughts, but would you like to see a CAG podcast with Ron Workman? Hopefully, Ron may see this thread filled with (hopefully) positive feedback and further develop his...
With Traveller's Tales having the success of Lego Indiana Jones, Lego Batman and Lego Star Wars I+II. It begs the question, What licenced property would you like to see be "LEGOified"?.
Personally, I'd like to see Lego DC, Lego Marvel, Lego Matrix, Lego LOTR or even Lego Mad Max!
What podcasts do you listen to?
(Note: This can be any podcast, not just gaming ones)
Mine are the:
Australian Gamer Podcast
The Bugle
CAGcast (obviously, and its my favourte gaming podcast)
The /Filmcast (Brilliant my favourite movie podcast of all time)
Idle Thumbs
iFanboy.com Pick of the...
Since I'm yet to jump into "this" gen, I would love to see the "Cheap Thrills" segment have a comeback. I would also love to see Wombat doing a comic podcast but the question arises, Who would be co-host(s)?
Boo fucking Hoo! I live in Australia and it costs $150+ for unlimited data usage internet. However on my $80 per month plan with iiNet, I get 15 gb data download peak and 25 gb data download offpeak and have the speeds of:
Hey CAG's,
I've recently started up a league on the The Fantasy Premier League (of the soccer/football kind) site.
This league will be exclusive to all CAG members. So, first off you need to register and set up your team (Skip to the next instruction if you already have an account).