Search results

  1. 40_ounce

    Call of Duty Endowment GCU Card Expired.

    I have the same problem. I haven't been to Best Buy with the expired card yet.  It's difficult enough for them to even understand what GCU is in the first place. I hope that our Veterans didn't get a check with our donations that is expired or post dated to the year 3016.
  2. 40_ounce

    Ebay: Buy Direct from Best Buy Open-Box: Microsoft - Xbox Elite Wireless Controller for Xbox One - Black $119.00

    I'm sure everything will be included. in the description it says that everything is. Plus its from best buy I have never had a problem when it comes to returns. on another note I wish I would have seen that (C15LIMITEDTIME) before I purchased the controller. :)
  3. 40_ounce

    Ebay: Buy Direct from Best Buy Open-Box: Microsoft - Xbox Elite Wireless Controller for Xbox One - Black $119.00

    Best Buy on Ebay open box Xbox one elite controller for $119.00,ext=ext#
  4. 40_ounce

    CAGcast #358: Drumming

    Hey Wombat, next time you beat your child make sure you mute your mic....
  5. 40_ounce

    CAGcast #327: The E3 2013 Authentication Free, Digital Deluxe Edition

    Can't wait to listen to this. I do all my podcast listening at work, so i guess I have to wait until 6pm tonight.
  6. 40_ounce

    CAG 2.0 vs 3.0

    3.0 is way better that the old Most people hate change and do not know how to adjust. 
  7. 40_ounce

    Win an iPod Touch from CAG & Pixel and Texel

    Awesome.... Love the contest always good stuff.
  8. 40_ounce

    Rocksteady Signed Batman: Arkham City Giveaway

    I'am thee Batman.
  9. 40_ounce

    Win an Epic Games Signed Copy of Gears of War 3!

    I really want this.
  10. 40_ounce

    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    Hey Cheapy, just noticed that there are Robocop Avatar items for sale are you going to buy any?
  11. 40_ounce

    CAGcast #240: Whities to the Rescue

    Great show thanks.
  12. 40_ounce

    Eagle3 HKS Racing Controller (PS3) Giveaway

    Awesome......... thanks. but my friends do not use twitter. So I guess I can't get the extra tickets. Yeah I could create fake accounts but that would just be wrong.
bread's done