Search results

  1. XxNinjaStaRRxX

    Vintage Game Caravan

  2. XxNinjaStaRRxX

    Pokemon Y for $19.99 at Toys R Us on 12/6 -12/7

    It kind of sickens me reading some of these replies. I know this is CHEAPASSgamer, but some people take the cheapass part a little too far.  If you got the price match for $20 on an error why complain about paying 6 more cents or anything else. Some of these comments make you sound just as bad...
  3. XxNinjaStaRRxX

    Pokemon Y for $19.99 at Toys R Us on 12/6 -12/7

    Bought the last copy at toys r us in riverside California. I grabbed the ad in the front of the store and walked over to the electronics department and asked for Pokemon y. It was the last copy and it ranged up as $39.99 when I showed the worker the ad she immediately changed the price and I got...
  4. XxNinjaStaRRxX

    Pokemon Y for $19.99 at Toys R Us on 12/6 -12/7

    Anything think amazon will price match this "promo"? 
  5. XxNinjaStaRRxX

    Square Enix code for sale

  6. XxNinjaStaRRxX

    Square Enix code for sale

  7. XxNinjaStaRRxX

    Homeless Dad's First Lowball is OVER! - THANKS TO ALL PARTICIPANTS

    71) 3rd Birthday UK import Collector's Edition $10 73) Final Fantasy IV Collection UK import Collector's Edition $10
  8. XxNinjaStaRRxX

    Square Enix code for sale

    Super bump bump bump :)
  9. XxNinjaStaRRxX

    Deathsmiles LE $14.99 FSSS Im not sure if people even want this, but just wanted to put this out there.
  10. XxNinjaStaRRxX

    Amazon 19 Days of Deals + Afternoon Lightning Deals - Today: The Finale

    Highly doubt it. It just came ut lst month an it not one of those "crap" game that drops within weeks. It is a contestant for Game of The Year. The only place where it was $30 on BF was Best Buy. I don't recall other stores that sold Uncharted 3 for $30
  11. XxNinjaStaRRxX

    Amazon 19 Days of Deals + Afternoon Lightning Deals - Today: The Finale

    :/ wishing uncharted 3 hit the $30 mark
  12. XxNinjaStaRRxX

    Buyer misread my auction and wants to return the game.

    Well if he sends a report to ebay about it as long as you mentioned the condition in the description eBay will side with you because the buyer didn't READ the description where you ACCURATELY described what condition it was in.
  13. XxNinjaStaRRxX

    Square Enix code for sale

    Bump bump bump
  14. XxNinjaStaRRxX

    Square Enix code for sale

    bump bump bump BEATS BEAT BEATS :)
  15. XxNinjaStaRRxX

    Square Enix code for sale

  16. XxNinjaStaRRxX

    Square Enix code for sale

bread's done