Search results

  1. N

    CAG's Win Everything* Black Friday Bonanza! - Congratulations, thenewnumbertwo!

    It's a lot of swag for one person to handle. Here's hoping. Oh, and does anyone else's ticket count not multiplying right? I have 6 of 22 even though it says I have the 2x multiplier and thus should have 12. EDIT: Nevermind. Posting here for that 7th ticket fixed it to be 14.
  2. N

    [FINISHED] Cheap Ass Gamer $10,000+ GameStop Gift Card Giveaway

    Though I might not post to the forums much, this website continues to be so invaluable to me. Thanks Cheapy and to everyone else who contributes.
  3. N

    Force Unleashed 2 - WINDOWS $29.99 @ Best

    Was afraid of that. Ah well, it's their lost sale if they do that then. Thanks for the feedback.
  4. N

    Force Unleashed 2 - WINDOWS $29.99 @ Best

    Was looking through the Gamer Club stuff on a lark, and noticed that FU:II on Windows is only priced at $29.99 at :idea: Amazon and Gamestop have the more predictable price of $39.99, so either this is a competitive price or someone was half-asleep at Best Buy. Successfully...
  5. N

    [FINISHED] Cheap Ass Gamer $10,000+ GameStop Gift Card Giveaway

    Hope to be one of the 50 winners!
  6. N

    GameStop Buy 2, Get 1 Free Used Games (10/17-10/24) + $500 in Gift Cards Giveaway!

    Could definitely make use of a $100 gift card this season. :) With high hopes, I would go for: Dead Space, SW: TFU, and Fable II. Dream a little. :bouncy:
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