Search results

  1. J

    Playstation Vita Lego Batman 2 Bundle $209.99 -

    Seeing that they aren't going to price drop here in the states I would say good deal. Got mine on the Amazon deal which I don't see happening again
  2. J

    PlayStation plus subscription plus 3 months free Good deal iam going to Bite because I am still running on all the 3 months I got from the amazon vita bundle
  3. J

    Ces razor edge tablet, pc whatever it is lol

    Anyone else hyped for this thing? Basically an overpower tablet that can run steam. Little pricey though.
  4. J

    Nintendo Power (285) Final Issue Dec 2012

    Got a couple in Phoenix area if anyone wants any
  5. J

    Best 7 inch tablet

    I love my ipad mini. Fits perfectly in my hands for game play and travels awesome. Graphics and all still look good on it too
  6. J

    Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box DS $9 and Unwound Future $11.62 at Walmart

    nice picked up both always wanted to try this series out
  7. J

    kingdom hearts 3ds for 19.99 amazon

    Cool didn't notice but awesome price for the game
  8. J

    kingdom hearts 3ds for 19.99 amazon

    19.99 plus free super shipping on over 25 think i am gonna finally pick it up
  9. J

    walking dead episode one FREE on ios right now

    Back to the game??.. Plenty of threads about Apple vs android guys
  10. J

    walking dead episode one FREE on ios right now

    i actually liked it better on ipad for some reason. but i think it was awesome how a game i thought i would have no intrest in kept me wanting more and still cant wait for the next season
  11. J

    walking dead episode one FREE on ios right now

    i think this is awesome for people to get into the game. i myself did not think i would like this type of game but i fell in love. easily my game of the year. check it out guys.. if your a fan of the walking dead check out @telltalegames walking dead episode one is free right now...
  12. J

    Vita 16gb memory cards on the cheap

    Sold guys! That was quick
  13. J

    Vita 16gb memory cards on the cheap

    No it's fake lol. Yeah it's real. And I don't do PayPal anymore cuz of an eBay thing that happened a while ago where someone got a hold of my credit card and went crazy
  14. J

    Vita 16gb memory cards on the cheap

    I got like 4 cuz amazon sent me them cuz they messed up on a couple my orders. I am in Phoenix AZ if local better but I don't have PayPal. So maybe chase quick payment or something? Hit me up for details. They are brand new in package. Maybe 30 a piece? Will also consider trades
  15. J

    walmart green monday deal on wii u

    oh dang nevermind looks like walmart was trying to trick me lol. thanks to you guys i will be waiting on buying a wii u for now. i am guessing it will go down in price in 2013
  16. J

    walmart green monday deal on wii u

    I thought wii u games were like 50 bucks and the black wii u was 350?
  17. J

    walmart green monday deal on wii u

    anyone gonna bite. i am still debating on even getting a wii u. my wii collected a lot of dust and i have hear a ton of mixed reviews...
  18. J

    Other video game podcasts?

    almost the same list as mine! lol. also i listen to married gamers and gamer husbands. what ever happened to uncle gamer, sarcastic gamer and the gamercast network?
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