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  1. E

    Toys R Us Free Controller with PS3 Hardware

    Called a local store in SoCal. All stores in my area were sold out on 80GB and 160GB models. Any way you guys think I could strong-arm them into honoring it for the 120GB Slim Model?
  2. E

    The Official "I got hosed on the Sgt. Johnson Code at TRU" thread

    I got friends at GS. They had a surplus of Sgt. Johnson codes, so they gave me one although I didn't buy the game. With that being said, First person to PM me politely asking for the code gets it. I would try and trade for something, but really, I'd rather just make someone's day.
  3. E

    *NEW* Fatal Frame Trilogy (PS2) - $79.99 shipped @ GQD

    Anyone have any idea if this is going to be coming out at retailers? I've tried looking online elsewhere for it, and not seeing anything of the sort. Is this some kind of website exclusive?
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