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    [Expired] Buy 3 E3 games from Future Shop - Get $60 Off

    What I was wondering, when is the first game of the list going to ship? Aka earliest release date. I am looking at my five and hoping they do in fact come as they release and not all at once. Lots were for 2012 release and fall 2011...
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    [Canada] EB Games, Blockbuster Video, and Future Shop Trade-in Values List

    Hi, was the original Borderlands. Its one of the most wanted list for 12.00 right now.
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    [Canada] EB Games, Blockbuster Video, and Future Shop Trade-in Values List

    EB-05.21.11 ps3-LBP-6.50 ps3-Borderlands-12.00 ps3-Ironman-5.00 ps3-UT3-2.75 360-QuakeWars-2.50 360-Term. Salvation-2.75 360-Crackdown2-3.00 360-SCConviction-2.00 The shelf is cleaner...50% bump on values helped...haha
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    [Canada] EB Games, Blockbuster Video, and Future Shop Trade-in Values List

    EB 02-17-2011 360 Black Ops - 40.00 360 Crackdown 2 - 1.00 360 SC Conviction - 5.00
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    [Canada] EB Games, Blockbuster Video, and Future Shop Trade-in Values List

    11/3/2010 Fallout NV - 360 FS - 21.00!!! BBV - 45.00
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    [DEADDead] Bejeweled 2 (PC/Mac only) $0.00! until ~10PM pacific time

    Coupon worked like a charm as of 6:05AM EST Thanks!
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    [Canada] EB Games, Blockbuster Video, and Future Shop Trade-in Values List

    @EB 09/15/2010 (PS3) Rock Band 2 - 8.50 GH5 - 14.00 Infamous - 13.50 LBP - 20 Yay on RB2 qualifying for 3-1 on MOH
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    [Canada] EB Games, Blockbuster Video, and Future Shop Trade-in Values List

    God of War 3 - 30.00 - Futureshop - 09/14/2010
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    [Canada] EB Games, Blockbuster Video, and Future Shop Trade-in Values List

    @EB 07/14/2010 Lego Batman - PS3 - 7.50 Uncharted 1 - PS3 - 14.00 PS3 Eye camera - 8.00
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    [Canada] EB Games, Blockbuster Video, and Future Shop Trade-in Values List

    I called one EB, guy wasn't sure, emailed the mothership, called back, he said no problem. I ended up going to an EB closer to my place and no issues there knowing that I could have gone to the other one. Was happy though...good dump of stuff i think
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    [Canada] EB Games, Blockbuster Video, and Future Shop Trade-in Values List

    EB GAMES 06/24 Resistance PSP - 7.50 + 5 Bonus FF Disseda PSP - 7.50 + 5 Bonus Borderlands PS3 - 25 + 5 Bonus (Trade 3 over 5 bucks each) DS Lite - 40 + 50 Bonus PSP 2000 - 25 + 50 Bonus I got the bonus on both systems trading for DSi for my daughter...all in all, cleared some space, got some...
  12. Y

    [Canada] EB Games, Blockbuster Video, and Future Shop Trade-in Values List

    @EB PS3 Assassins Creed 2 - 40 360 Transformers - 12 Acme Arsenal - 7 Spidey FOF- 4 Lego SW Comp. - 4 Viva Pinata - 2 Lego Indy - 0.95
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    [Canada] EB Games, Blockbuster Video, and Future Shop Trade-in Values List

    EB: 12/11/2009 Modern Warfare 2 - 39.50 (ps3) GhIII - 1.75 (X360)
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    [Canada] EB Games, Blockbuster Video, and Future Shop Trade-in Values List

    EB: GH - Smash Hits (PS3) - 17.50 got it bumped to 25.00 though towards LBP - son will be thrilled. They said its a new release, even though I had one title only.
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    [Canada] EB Games, Blockbuster Video, and Future Shop Trade-in Values List

    EB: Gears 1 - 5.75, Gears 2 - 8, Transformers 2.75, Burnout Revenge 4.75, Mass Effect 8 (360) , Sorry.
  16. Y

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 pre-order $49.99 @ FS Oct 19th - 1 day only

    Still waiting here too, but Nov 11th, (thank you veterans) was observed. I figure its in the mailbox sometime today. Price was right though...and its given them time to resolve the issues, just like Cod4 was.
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    [Canada] EB Games, Blockbuster Video, and Future Shop Trade-in Values List

    Long time lurker... EB: Ps3 KZ2 - 14.50 SFiV - 14.50 MGS4 - 9.00 Resistance Retribution - PSP - 5.75 Crash Team Racing - PS2 - 1.00 :) DS Lego Battles - 10 FS KZ2 - 15.00, SFiV 15.00 and Little Big Planet 26.50 Did the trade 2 for AC2 and ratchet at Eb and left LBP at Futureshop.
bread's done