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  1. B (GFC) - Friendly Package Forwarding Service for Canada & The World

    Great idea! You're going to get a lot of business, thanks for the service!
  2. B

    Persona pushed back to 25th?

    mine shipped from on Wednesday, though I don't think I'll see it till Monday now.
  3. B

    Goozexers: Do you trade to US?

    I've only been a member for a month, and only with Canadian trades enabled. So far I've sent out 4 games (the latest to magiic) and gotten 3, with 4 more coming. I had no trouble offing my stuff at first, but now I'm stuck with a few titles I know would go in the US, so I think I'll turn it on...
  4. B

    [CANADA] - No More it delayed?

    Jeez, my store still hasn't called :\
  5. B

    Rock Band in Canada Delayed?!

    If you guys are looking for the stand-alone game, Play-Asia is selling it at $64.99. It'll cost you about $90 after duty/taxes/shipping...but it IS technically available if you just can't wait. I assume EBs trade-in value will be pretty high too if you wanna trade it in for the bundle.
  6. B

    Rogers - $200 Credit towards Wii/360/PS3 *Strings Attatched*

    Hey guys, I was just at my local Rogers renting a game, and saw signage on the shelves basically stating: Get $200 credit towards the purchase of a PS3/Wii/360 When you sign up for Rogers Yahoo! High Speed internet. Didn't really look at the fine print, as I'm already on their "service" and...
  7. B

    [Canada] Rogers Video 2 used games for $30

    BOGO on all used games/DVDs at my local Rogers (Ottawa West). They never have any 360/PS3 games, but tons of last gen stuff and handhelds. Picked up God of War 2 and Tales of the Abyss (PS2) for $30
  8. B

    Madden 07 (Wii): $34.83 at Wal-Mart

    Hey guys, thought I'd pass this on. It's not in their flyer this week, but at my local Wal-Mart (Ottawa), I just picked up a copy of Madden 07 for Wii for $34.83 (87 maybe?)... Not sure if it's a universal price drop because 08's due out soon, but it's a pretty good deal. The game plays...
  9. B

    [Canada] Shadow Hearts: FtNW $19.99 Futureshop

    It's a great game, especially at $20.
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