Search results

  1. Got the Shakes

    [H] Fallout 4 VR Steam Key [W] $30 PayPal

    I have a key that I got when I bought the Vive wireless adapter and I don't have a desire to play through Fallout 4 again. Looking for PayPal for payment.
  2. Got the Shakes

    [H] Borderlands 2 VR Code [W] PayPal

    I have a code in hand from the Beat Saber/Borderlands 2 PSVR bundle that I picked up from Best Buy a few hours ago. I don't have a need for it as I've played through the game a few times and don't want to again. I'm thinking $35 for it but if you think that's too much we can talk about a price...
  3. Got the Shakes

    W: The Witcher 3 (Steam not GOG) H: PayPal

    Ok, thanks. I wasn't aware of that obviously. I just built my first gaming PC and wanted to try it out. I have a PS4 copy, but wanted to see what it looked like being able to max it out on 1080p. Sounds like I'll be waiting awhile though.
  4. Got the Shakes

    W: The Witcher 3 (Steam not GOG) H: PayPal

    I looking for a copy of The Witcher 3 on Steam. I know that GOG has cheap keys right now, but I want it on Steam for achievement, trading cards, etc. 
  5. Got the Shakes

    Steam/Origin/Desura etc Trade/Sell/Buy Thread

    I have a Limbo 33% off coupon that expires in 2 days.  Does anyone want it?  I'm not asking for anything in return, just want it to go to someone who would use it.
  6. Got the Shakes

    Over 100 digital copies to celebrate CAG 3.0 WINNERS POSTED!

    Thanks for the giveaway! Argo Zero Dark Thirty Silver Linings Playbook Skyfall This is 40
bread's done