Lurker here... Just want to give you all a heads up that best buy may or may not have CoD blackops 3 juggernog edition. COMPLETELY YMMV! Not a true bargain but considering exorbanant prices on ebay and amazon.
Edit: Only one my store had was xbone, 160 with gcu.
I couldn't justify BTA for SRIII-FP, DI, or the ungodly price of 25 for DI-R then and since I have this bundles Cheapass teir I can't justify 9 dollars now
Working for walmart (2nd shift ICT, not electronics) I can only summize that it'll be like any other start to a trade in program like bestbuys or targets. Sure it'll be rocky at first and both the store and customers will have the share of ups and downs.
Typically I'm all in with HB, but lately I can't justify (especially this one because of steams 5 dollar upgrade I bought after the 15 dollar CE) to drop max just to get Civ V BNW, I'm only missing Civ IV, the Ace Patrol games, and railroads
Don't be afraid to ask if they have any in back. One I went to had the Hancock/ps3 remotes out, but not the spidey set. It was in the office to keep it from being stolen (my guess)
As a walmart employee... I've seen so much theft it's not funny, I actually had to point out to management once when someone returned multiple ps2 controllers (3rd party) back in ps3 boxes after it was put back on the shelf. but I've seen people return ps2 in ps3 boxes, a ream of paper in a...
Just received an e-mail stating that the Batman Dark Knight Trilogy ultimate collectors edition has released for a whopping total of 74.49(WC/DC) 79.99, 25/20 dollars off of the MSRP of 99.97
Straight off of the WB site:
About the Ultimate Collector's Edition (UCE):
Disc 1 Batman Begins...
got this at Best Buy for ten A long time ago. I'd only suggest it if your really desperate for a headset. I also bought a rocketfish bluetooth back when it was ten as well and find that if I had spent any more than the ten for either, I might not be as happy with them. I personally now use my LG...