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  1. Solder

    XBL Deals - Jan 6 - Sep 4, 2014

    I pulled in Soul Calibur 2 HD & Pool Nation. 6 bucks and change!
  2. Solder

    XBL Deals - Jan 6 - Sep 4, 2014

    Arkham City is an amazing game. So far I've only picked up Soul Calibur 2 HD.
  3. Solder

    XBL Deals - Jan 6 - Sep 4, 2014

    Don't be fooled, D&D: Daggerdale is a rip off at ANY price.
  4. Solder

    XBL Deals - Jan 6 - Sep 4, 2014

    Yeah I'll pick up the DLC if it's discounted and the game is free.
  5. Solder

    XBL Deals - Jan 6 - Sep 4, 2014

    Would love to snag Toy Soldiers for free.
  6. Solder

    XBL Deals - Jan 6 - Sep 4, 2014

    Smash Bros. is a party game and not a fighting game.
  7. Solder

    XBL Deals - Jan 6 - Sep 4, 2014

    Secondary Honorable Mentions to Deadliest Warrior (since it was free at Best Buy that one time). I love fighting games myself, but FREE AVATAR GEAR?  Automatically makes it top tier along with being free. It's probably one of the very worst games I've ever played, but was stellar for about 30...
  8. Solder

    XBL Deals - 12/31-1/6: "LEGO GonD"(-40%)* │ FREE: Sleeping Dogs* │ MM↓: SRIV $39.99, Hydrophobia $2.99

    Just finished getting Sleeping Dogs.  Meant to buy it for ages, glad to get it at the perfect price now.
  9. Solder

    XBL Deals - 12/31-1/6: "LEGO GonD"(-40%)* │ FREE: Sleeping Dogs* │ MM↓: SRIV $39.99, Hydrophobia $2.99

    Beautiful Katamari is amazing if you enjoy the game whatsoever.  But beware, there is a fair amount of DLC stages which are totally worth it. My wife barely plays games at all, but she has a few hundred hours of Katamari racked up.
  10. Solder

    XBL Deals - 12/31-1/6: "LEGO GonD"(-40%)* │ FREE: Sleeping Dogs* │ MM↓: SRIV $39.99, Hydrophobia $2.99

    Def in for SC2 at 10 bucks.  The HD port is gorgeous.   3rd Strike is obviously a great deal if you don't own it.  The trials are fun and the remake is solid.   VF is also a great game. Is MK ever worth it?  :P
  11. Solder

    XBL Deals - 12/31-1/6: "LEGO GonD"(-40%)* │ FREE: Sleeping Dogs* │ MM↓: SRIV $39.99, Hydrophobia $2.99

    To me insane is not having played it, which I've found out multiple good gaming friends of mine never have. It's seriously in my top 10 of games ever,  One of the absolute gems of the Playstation.  I can't recommend it enough.
  12. Solder

    XBL Deals - 12/31-1/6: "LEGO GonD"(-40%)* │ FREE: Sleeping Dogs* │ MM↓: SRIV $39.99, Hydrophobia $2.99

    I would've played through Amalur again if it weren't so laughably easy.  Even on the hardest difficulty, you can basically faceroll your way through the entire game mashing dodge / attack.  I didn't even equip massive upgrades because the difficulty was already trivial. I had fun playing...
  13. Solder

    XBL Deals - 12/31-1/6: "LEGO GonD"(-40%)* │ FREE: Sleeping Dogs* │ MM↓: SRIV $39.99, Hydrophobia $2.99

    I really enjoyed LA Noire.  I'd recommend it to most people. Probably going to bite on Dark Souls.  Is the DLC mandatory for a game experience or can I skip it?
  14. Solder

    XBL Deals - 12/31-1/6: "LEGO GonD"(-40%)* │ FREE: Sleeping Dogs* │ MM↓: SRIV $39.99, Hydrophobia $2.99

    40 bucks for the download of Diablo 3?  Bleh.  I was hoping for no more than 30 at the most.
  15. Solder

    GameStop Pre-owned Daily Deal: Halo 4 $9.99

    Best 20 bucks you can spend if you haven't played these.   +1 to best franchise of this generation.
  16. Solder

    XBL Deals: Horror'ific Games on Demand (Gold) | SHOCKTOBER Sale (All) | FREE Gold Games: 10/16 Halo 3 | Forza Horizon 50% Off | COMMUNITY EVENT | MORE

    In for Skulls of the Shogun and 400 Days.  Both are finally prices I can agree with.
bread's done