Search results

  1. K

    Steam/Origin etc Buy/Sell/Trade Thread! - READ THE OP! ONE POST EVERY THREE DAYS!

    Want: Payday 2 Hotline Miami-Payday 2 dlc  Have: Paypal or Amazon gift card
  2. K

    GTA Online/CAG Crew Thread

    Update : my rockstar social club name is magnumoscar Psn-magnumoscar Thanks.
  3. K

    GTA Online/CAG Crew Thread

    I'm interested. Please add me. My psn is magnumoscar Thanks for your consideration :-)
  4. K

    Animal Crossing New Leaf

    FC:1091-8288-6866 Add me friends!
  5. K

    borderlands 1 and 2 pc

    bump I'd play! I don't have any dlc other than krieg and the level cap increase. Steam name:magnumoscar
  6. K

    Sega Genesis and bunch of games worth selling?

    There is a market. Ebay has a bundle like yours averaging between 21-50 dollars depending on what console version it is.
  7. K


    H. God of War Ascension mythological hero's and mjolnir (best buy code) W. Offers. Anything really, the game box came with a code i redeemed and Best buy emailed me another one.
  8. K

    God of war ascension mjonlnr and heros pack for trade

    Psn codes? Maybe amazon payment?
  9. K

    God of war ascension mjonlnr and heros pack for trade

    Psn codes? Maybe amazon payment?
  10. K

    God of war ascension mjonlnr and heros pack for trade

    Offer it up!
  11. K

    Free $30 Game of Your Choice - WINNER ANNOUNCED

    Hitman absolution for the ps3! Thank you for doing this!
  12. K

    ~Pancake's second lowball has ended!

    $12.00 - pokemon black 2:-)
  13. K

    ~Pancake's second lowball has ended!

    Put me down for pokemon black 2. I'll bid $3.00
  14. K

    Need people to play Black Ops 2 or Borderlands 2 or Battlefield 3

    My buddies and I play all of those. Especially weekends (less frequently because school started). Psn-magnumoscar
  15. K


    Hi everyone. I want terraria so i can give it to my cousin. I have the prince of persia reboot for trade. thanks!
bread's done