Search results

  1. AVacuousSmile

    Playstation 3 500GB super slim - $149 at Walmart

    I picked one up on the way home from work today.  Boxes were in very good condition.  3 more left in West Sac if anyone is looking for one.
  2. AVacuousSmile

    Playstation 3 500GB super slim - $149 at Walmart

    I've been looking for a deal like this!  My launch Phat model is starting to make me worry... And I have so much backlog left...
  3. AVacuousSmile

    Best Buy and Target Weekly Ads 4/20-4/26

    Other than BF, has the 360 Holiday Bundle been cheaper?  Thinking of picking it up since the spring bundle doesn't appeal to me as much...
  4. AVacuousSmile

    Zelda 3DS XL Limited Edition Set Pre-Order Available At

    I just sent that dude in the BBY thread a PM.  Poor guy must be flooded with em!
  5. AVacuousSmile

    Zelda 3DS XL Limited Edition Set Pre-Order Available At

    Well, I ordered mine.  Hope I get Oracle of Ages too.  Don't know how I'd argue it if I didn't though...
  6. AVacuousSmile

    The Bundle Stars Thread

    Is anyone having problems with Paypal and Bundle Stars right now?  Couldn't get my order to go through.
  7. AVacuousSmile

    The Indie Gala bundle!

    Oh cool, count me in for the second HH!
  8. AVacuousSmile

    The Indie Gala bundle!

    Is their generally more than one happy hour?
  9. AVacuousSmile

    FTL: Faster Than Light $4.99

    Awesome!  Thanks OP!  :)
  10. AVacuousSmile

    UPlay E3 Sale (Assassin's Creed - $13.60) + Free Stuff! (PC ONLY!)

    Thanks for the link. I'd have to buy it anyways to get the rest of the songs. lol.
  11. AVacuousSmile

    The Last of Us - Easy Giveaway

    Entered just a few seconds ago!  Thanks for doing this with such an awesome game!
  12. AVacuousSmile

    UPlay E3 Sale (Assassin's Creed - $13.60) + Free Stuff! (PC ONLY!)

    This is probably a stretch but is there a way to get those blood dragon songs without having a UPlay account?
  13. AVacuousSmile

    Apple iOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad) -- Ongoing Sales

    100% agree! Great game!
  14. AVacuousSmile

    EA Origin Storewide Sale: BF3 PC download $5 plus other deals

    19.99 for premium is the cheapest BF3 has been right?  Cheaper than Amazon's price during May-ham?
  15. AVacuousSmile

    Batman Arkham City GOTY $9.99 (360/PS3) Best Buy

    In store price matching tomorrow!  Thanks OP!
  16. AVacuousSmile

    PSN Weekly Deals - 8/27: PAX Indie Sale, DJ Hero/2/GH Sale, Spelunky $11.99, Pinballistik is Free!, and Machinarium Vita Free for PS+!

    How much was PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale during it's last big sale?  $13 something?
  17. AVacuousSmile

    Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Pre-Order - $40 (Amazon)

    Unfortunately, I don't. :-( Guess I'll dive in with Symphonia if I can't find any PS2 Tales or Graces f if that even came out in English.
  18. AVacuousSmile

    The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V8 ~ Summer Sale Encore Day! | Rage $4.99 | Retro City Rampage $2.99 | Crysis $5.99 | Endless Space $10.19 |

    I'm actually happy with all of these additions (save the trade offers, seems like it could be spammed too much). The booster packs could be very rare drops and if so it won't hurt the market too much.
  19. AVacuousSmile

    Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Pre-Order - $40 (Amazon)

    Oh, cool! This, Xillia, and Tales of Graces f are the only Tales games out on the PS3 available in the US right? Any on PSN? It's sorta hard to research these game since the wikipedia page is a mess. lol!
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