Search results

  1. genjiarmorxii

    Akai Katana converted to used at GameStop?

    Have them ring it up, it most-likely will pop up as used as the $9.99 price because it's no longer in our system as new anymore. They just never did the price change for it yet.
  2. genjiarmorxii

    Akai Katana converted to used at GameStop?

    This is true, all the new copies were converted to used 3 days ago. Picked mine up when we found out. :D
  3. genjiarmorxii

    Artbook included with Xenoblade Chronicles pre-order

    Our copies of the artbook showed up later in the day so it is possible that they will receive them still tomorrow if that's what they said. I'm just glad we have a crew that knows what they're doing and I feel bad for you guys having negative feedback on what's going on. Sorry. :(
  4. genjiarmorxii

    Artbook included with Xenoblade Chronicles pre-order

    They changed the normal sku about 4 days ago to ones with the subtitle of [NO PREMIUM]. Ask them to search the title's name and they'll be surprised to see that only the one that says [NO PREMIUM] is even in the system now and that they have them in stock. Then ask them to check when you...
  5. genjiarmorxii

    Best Buy Trade-in 3.0: So long! New thread started.

    Not taking them anymore in store. We (Game Stop) were able to do the Dark Edition for the first few weeks it was announced and then they were pulled.
  6. genjiarmorxii

    Star Wars: The Old Republic giveaway!

    Thx everyone, was fun. We'll see what I have in store in the future. :D
  7. genjiarmorxii

    Star Wars: The Old Republic giveaway!

    Giving the game away in 3 hours, so far only 3 people have followed. Odds are strong with this contest. lol
  8. genjiarmorxii

    Star Wars: The Old Republic giveaway!

    I'm giving away one copy of Star Wars: The Old Republic on my Twitch channel this Thursday March 1 @ 10PM PST. Had like 5 people for my 5 key giveaway for Tera Online so chances are probably pretty good. lol All you have to do is follow my channel @ and be...
  9. genjiarmorxii

    Giving away 5+ Tera Online Closed Beta Keys

    My bad, NA. Giving these away under 2 hours, just follow my account on Twitch and be watching prior to 12:01am. :D
  10. genjiarmorxii

    Giving away 5+ Tera Online Closed Beta Keys

    Giving away at least 5 Tera Online beta keys, all you have to do is follow my account and watch on Sunday at 12:01am PST. I will be randomly giving them away using a random number generator. About my channel, I usually play games with friends right now they consist of Call...
  11. genjiarmorxii

    GameStop - Selling Classic Games Again! - PowerUp Rewards Retro Game Vault

    They must've had like 3 copies of each since they're all sold out except 1942.
  12. genjiarmorxii

    Buy 1 of MW3/BF3/Skyrim/GoW3/UC3/Rage/Batman AC get 25%(35% PUR) off used games @ GS

    This also works in store. For the last few days while ringing up CoD I noticed a promotion popping up that no one knew what it was for. This is it.
  13. genjiarmorxii

    Star Wars: The Old Republic Collector's Edition available for Preorder

    Then it won't be enforced. I pre-ordered from Amazon last night in case some odd reason I couldn't pre-order from Gamestop in person, which I could. That's the only reason I cancelled my pre-order was all.
  14. genjiarmorxii

    Star Wars: The Old Republic Collector's Edition available for Preorder

    Where does it say that if the pre-order gets cancelled that the code is also cancelled? Does the Star Wars site say that or one of the retailers because if it's the latter then that's a load of bs.
  15. genjiarmorxii

    Selling PC games! (Brink, Deus Ex: Game of the Year)

    If you have a feedback of 30 or more I will send first otherwise you will send first. I have a cd key that can be used through Steam for a copy of Brink. I was given 2 cd keys on accident. :lol: $30 via Paypal. I also have a few copies of Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition that I can gift...
  16. genjiarmorxii

    Free Steam copies of Magicka

    Please! genjiarmorxii
  17. genjiarmorxii

    Square-Enix code trading thread.

    Now I'm up to 930 and my friend is at Ultimate. Come on I just need 2 more! Here's what I currently have I need anything not on this list! EDIT: Oh yeah! I guess I just need one more since I'm picking up Deus Ex: Human Revolution Monday at midnight~!
  18. genjiarmorxii

    The Official Square/Enix Members Info Thread (work in progress)

    That or they keep it a secret until after the cutoff date, then depending on the amount of people that got to each tier they choose a prize... They wouldn't do that to us, right?
  19. genjiarmorxii

    The Official Square/Enix Members Info Thread (work in progress)

    My account is at 830 and my friend is at 980. COME ON JUST 4 MORE!
bread's done