thanks you dirty bitches for the great fucking show. it was easily one of the most fucking hilarious fucking cagcast I have fucking heard in a fucking while. i almost shit my pants from laughing. i have to admit that the interview was pretty shitty though. Every time the guest said a word that...
hey thanks for all the great suggestions, but i was just wondering what to look for when looking for a pair of headphones, like when i look at the specs of a pair what do all the numbers and stuff mean? thanks for any help
i like those clip-ons and inner ear headphones, but if there are over ear headphones for 30$ that just have magnificent sound quality i might try those
hey guys, my ipod headphones have finally broken, and im in the market for new ones. my price limit is 30$. i was looking at some altec lansings which seemed pretty nice. but i was wondering if u guys had any reccomendations