Search results

  1. Luchalma

    H: Playstation All-Stars Vita Code w: $10

    PM sent
  2. Luchalma

    H - Borderlands 2 (Steam) W - Other PC Games

    So I just built my first gaming PC. It came with a code for Borderlands 2 on Steam, but I already own it on 360. I sure would like something new to play on this baby though.....
  3. Luchalma

    Newegg - 10 Off Game Pre-Orders of $39.99+ (Last Day!!)

    Darn I was hoping it wouldn't work for LittleBigPlanet Vita. Just ordered that yesterday.
  4. Luchalma

    Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen (Vita) $11.99 + $3.99 shipping @ Amazon from Gohastings

    Darn, I would have jumped all over Shinobido at that price.
  5. Luchalma

    Raptr Rewards 5/17: 1 free month of XBL Gold and 2 free XBLA games

    I'm Gold already and I have The Maw but good god I've wanted R-Type Dimensions for SO LONG and it's never went on sale.
  6. Luchalma

    XBL DotW Sales 2012 |- CLOSED

    Save your money and buy one of the Indie knockoffs MastrMeatWad. I have Minecrafty (for free, luckily) and Total Miner Forge. The differences are minimal, and for just building, TM is miles better.
  7. Luchalma

    Free Minecraft for 360

    Awesome! Got the pop up!
  8. Luchalma

    Free Minecraft for 360

    You're tearing me apart Raptr!
  9. Luchalma

    Free Minecraft for 360

    I'm dedicated on Trials Evo and linked with Facebook. Let me claaaaaaaaaim.
  10. Luchalma

    Free Minecraft for 360

    I'm not qualified despite fulfilling the criteria :(
  11. Luchalma

    [Contest Over]I'm Giving Away a 1600 MSP code OR a 1 yr XBL code!

    Commented as Luchalma. Hope I win. Well, obviously...
  12. Luchalma

    Microsoft Point contest(and other prizes)!

    Didn't know such a thing existed. Sucks, but can't complain too much.
  13. Luchalma

    Microsoft Point contest(and other prizes)!

    I'll send them all to you and you can check them one by o-heywaitaminute.
  14. Luchalma

    Microsoft Point contest(and other prizes)!

    "An error has occurred during the transaction. Please try again later." That's what I've been getting when trying to enter codes since yesterday. Is that just because I hit the daily limit?
  15. Luchalma

    Free $10.00 via Serve - PrePaid Gift Card - NOT a Referral

    I signed up awhile ago and didn't receive any money in account or a card. I received an email saying they need documents with my social security number and mailing address though. I don't care enough about this to do anything about it.
  16. Luchalma

    XBLIG Price Drops

    I've been spreading the word of BloodyCheckers in real life as well as on the internet and have convinced quite a few people to play the demo, and most bought it. In other news, I have 124 Bing Reward points. Darn it, I have to wait a whole other day to get a new Indie game? Cursssessss.
  17. Luchalma

    XBLIG Price Drops

    Sent a test form. Can't wait for the real thing!
bread's done