Search results

  1. Magitek85

    CAG's Win Everything* Black Friday Bonanza! - Congratulations, thenewnumbertwo!

    Holy crap! I could use almost all of this stuff, and what I'd totally give the stuff I couldn't use to someplace worthy. Maybe there's a children's hospital nearby that could use the Wii? Have to figure that out if I win.
  2. Magitek85

    CAGcast #194: Shipwreck's Burden

    Wonderful show. I'm glad Wombat is thinking about the little guy and raising concerns about things like press exclusives at PAX. We need more people in the industry that will call bs on stuff like that.
  3. Magitek85

    CAGcast #193: Horse & Bucket

    Excellent show. So glad Shipwreck seems to be an official member of the CAGcast crew now. I was sort of waning on the show until you brought him on board. Let's face it, you guys are great, but Ship has the facts.
  4. Magitek85

    16GB Memory Stick Pro Duo $39.95 Shipped

    No new updates on this from anyone? Did anyone get it in the mail and get a chance to test it out with their psp?
  5. Magitek85

    16GB Memory Stick Pro Duo $39.95 Shipped

    Great. Money is a little tight this week anyway, so I'll hold off on this until next week. Hopefully by then some of you will have gotten yours and can report on the quality.
  6. Magitek85

    16GB Memory Stick Pro Duo $39.95 Shipped

    Sweet. There are no user reviews though. I'm super paranoid right now because I've bought 2 16gb cards on Amazon and both were fakes (MagicGate showed up as unknown) and wouldn't work with my psp. Has anyone used a Lexar card with their psp? Do games download and install fine with it? It won't...
  7. Magitek85

    Robert Ashley/I Come to Shanghai Interview

    Yeah, that song gets stuck in my head so much. After the first 2 songs, the cd kind of mellows out a bit. On first listen I didn't love it but after I had it in my head what it was like and not what I thought it was going to be like, it started to grow on me. I love the whole cd now. Can't...
  8. Magitek85

    Robert Ashley/I Come to Shanghai Interview

    Hey, I just put up an interview with Robert Ashley about his new band I Come to Shanghai. Thought some of you might be interested. If you haven't downloaded his cd yet I suggest you do, I love it.
  9. Magitek85

    Top RPG Cliches

    I still haven't fully fleshed this out but I was thinking of doing a more specific list like the top rpg dungeon cliches. I've got a lot of good suggestions on that front from another forum, like ghost ships, and I already wanted to say something about forest mazes. Or maybe most ridiculous rpg...
  10. Magitek85

    Top RPG Cliches

    Yeah, I assumed there were already a million things like that when I thought about it. Just wanted to do it for fun though, I'm not trying to be the first or the best about it.
  11. Magitek85

    Top RPG Cliches

    I'm shooting around ideas in my head for things I can write fro the blog I contribute to. One of them is a list of rpg cliches. Hero lost his memory, best friend betrays you, hometown burns down, some sort of forest maze in which you endlessely run through the same screens until you get some...
  12. Magitek85

    Ridiculous sound effects in older rpgs

    So, I've been playing a lot of ps1 era rpgs at the moment. I just revisited Suikoden and am currently waist deep in Wild Arms, and I noticed something. Older rpgs have some absolutely ridiculous sound effects sometimes that I probably didn't really notice when I was younger. In Suikoden, all...
  13. Magitek85

    CAG Foreplay #54: Two Weeks in a Row

    The wii is the only system I have that I do turn on for brief moments of time. When I take the kid to bed but my wife hasn't come up yet so we can watch some tv on dvd, I turn on the wii and play some vc games, dr. mario, mega man 9, or strongbad. Got one of the remotes lying in between the...
  14. Magitek85

    Contest (CAG Foreplay #54): Win Ultimate Ghosts 'N Goblins (PSP)

    I guess Mega Man 1 was the hardest I ever beat. Maybe God of War 2 though. The hardest game that I gave up on was Gunstar Heroes. I got to the last stage and played it over and over and over forever but couldn't ever beat it. Eventually I just turned off my Sega and haven't ever gone back to it.
  15. Magitek85

    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    Wombat, I know you were whining about Joystiq mentioning Cheapy and not you. Just wondered if you noticed that their most recent episode is the second time they've closed out the show to the music of The Wombats instead of their normal music. Maybe their subtle way of saying hey?
  16. Magitek85 talks smack about CAG

    Yeah, my respect has been lowered as well. Just man up and say you got tricked. Don't go into a hissy fit about the credibility of blogs. I'm fine with blogs posting rumors as long as they are labeled as such, but when you find out that rumor was a hoax, just correct it and move on. He and...
  17. Magitek85

    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    Dear Cheapy and Wombat, With the recent anouncements that Guitar Hero wants to triple its game releases by 2010, and also that GH: Aerosmith made more money for the band then any of their cd releases ever did, did you think that this pretty much confirms we'll be seeing a whole slew of GH...
  18. Magitek85

    Squenix hostile takeover of Tecmo??

    Hey. My buddy works at SquareEnix and he said that word around the office is that they are going to attempt a hostile takeover of Tecmo now that Tecmo didn't accept their offer. Not sure if its true as its just what people working there have heard but who knows.
  19. Magitek85

    CAGcast #132: Mediocrely Average

    Little did you realize Cheapy that you had invited the president of his schools math club to podcast with you.
bread's done