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  1. L Pre-Owned Box & Manual Guarantee - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

    saints row 2 , the world end with you , batman arkham asylum , and street fighter 4
  2. L

    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    Love the podcast you guys are the shit. i have a couple of questions: when you guys are really old and cant play games or run the website will you let Tai and Sabrina run the website. Cheapy why dont you have any pics of Mrs.Cheapy on your facebook or twitpic , i mean she has to be hot from...
  3. L

    Want: Viva Pinata 360! Have: ME3 CE 360 SEALED x2!

    i have it for the pc on steam
  4. L

    CAGcast #166: Wang Control

    Hey cheapy i love Japanese every, why dont you have your wife say a word or a phrase in japanese every week and put it on the cagcast i think that would be really fun
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    CAGcast #163: The White Video Game Podcast Xperience - Red Faction Edition

    I dont know what people are bitching about , i dont know why people cant let cheapy have a weekend brake . I know this is a gameing website but everyone needs a brake or two from work , e3 is his brake to get away and smoke some weed , thats kool with me . And the whole wombat thing about him...
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    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    awesome show guys do you guys think that when tai and sebrina get older that they will make a guest aperence on the show and when you guys are done with cag wih you pass it down and let them take over
  7. L

    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    hey cheapy if i came too japan and had weed would you smoke with me lol????
bread's done