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  1. IceBlueShoes

    Anyone else have diablo 3 yet and want to play

    Just picked this up with the expansion. Just wondering if anyone is still playing this on the 360? I'm only at level 10 or so, so don't expect much...
  2. IceBlueShoes

    Halo 4 out November 6th!!

    I was firing at the darkness. :p
  3. IceBlueShoes

    Halo 4 out November 6th!!

    Ya, lag was a pain in the butt. I felt useless shooting at what felt like trees hoping I'd hit something. Damn you lag!!!
  4. IceBlueShoes

    Halo 4 out November 6th!!

    K, we're all set. Just waiting to see if anyone else is going to join us... We'll wait about 5mins... :) Sent you an invite. :)
  5. IceBlueShoes

    Halo 4 out November 6th!!

    I'm on now. Downloading the update...
  6. IceBlueShoes

    Halo 4 out November 6th!!

    I'm on now, just grabbing a bite. Should be ready to go in about 30-40mins though. :) Drop me a line!
  7. IceBlueShoes

    Halo 4 out November 6th!!

    Ya, sorry, I meant the campaign on legendary. Would be nice to get a normal crew together. Anyways, I'll come on at around 11ish tonight and we'll do 1 level, maybe 2 depending on how fast we go. And I apologize in advance if I accidentally shoot/kill someone! :(
  8. IceBlueShoes

    Halo 4 out November 6th!!

    What time works for everyone tonight. 11pm EST? Or is that too late?
  9. IceBlueShoes

    Halo 4 out November 6th!!

    Sorry just saw your message now. :( Sorry!
  10. IceBlueShoes

    Halo 4 out November 6th!!

    Sunday (tonight) could too? Anyone?
  11. IceBlueShoes

    Halo 4 out November 6th!!

    NP. We'll figure it out then. I just got back now.
  12. IceBlueShoes

    Halo 4 out November 6th!!

    Sorry guys, I've had something come up at the last minute. I should be back at around 11-12am EST, but totally understand if that's too late.
  13. IceBlueShoes

    Halo 4 out November 6th!!

    Ok 9ish(EST) it is! Anyone else want to join?
  14. IceBlueShoes

    Halo 4 out November 6th!!

    Perhaps, 9-10? Or is that too late?
  15. IceBlueShoes

    Halo 4 out November 6th!!

    Anyone up for more co-op Monday night?
  16. IceBlueShoes

    Halo 4 out November 6th!!

    I'm on now. I guess we'll continue where Ebbtide and I left off on legendary if that's ok?
  17. IceBlueShoes

    Halo 4 out November 6th!!

    I'm ok with waiting until 11ish... Anyone else?
  18. IceBlueShoes

    Halo 4 out November 6th!!

    1030pm-ish EST work then?
  19. IceBlueShoes

    Halo 4 out November 6th!!

    Np.Tomorrow night after 9-10pm EST works for me if anyone is up for playing. I'll check back later on and see. :)
  20. IceBlueShoes

    Halo 4 out November 6th!!

    Waiting to start now...
bread's done