Search results

  1. M

    Best Buy Black Friday in July Sale 7/27-7/28 | Early Access 7/26

    your store still has those? They are going for money now. My local stores sold out instantly the day they came out.
  2. M

    H: Rise of the tomb raider and TR Definitive DIGITAL CODES W:paypal

    looking for 30 dollars paypal for the two games, and the survival pack dlc for Rise of the tomb raider. They are the digital codes for xbox one EDIT: SOLD!!!
  3. M

    Mad Max (Steam) $24.10 @ CDKeys

    After the Arkham Knight PC port, I am scare of WB games on pc Also just noticed it says will be available on or before september 4th. The game is out on september 1st, so possible a 3 day wait
  4. M

    amiibo Deals and Discussion Thread

    is there a product page for the gold mario amiibo i can keep refreshing? I cant find it. Sorry, I am really new to amiibos and wasnt even following when it became available for the first time Edit: welp post above got me covered lol
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    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    oh...oh well. Will only be like 2 dollars off that if it goes on sale again
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    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    Tales from the Borderlands is on sale for 15 on the xbox one...i just bought it, its originally 20
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    Extreme YMMV: TRU Xbox One Games $0.02

    come on, I drove like 45 minutes to a toys r u s today and didnt see this thread until I got back...I suck
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    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    wasnt metro like 20-25 dollars during black friday for a physical copy? :\
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    Sly collection ps3 download code 2.99

    back in stock...bought it
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    Sly collection ps3 download code 2.99

    damn...pissed I missed this
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    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    double dipped for ground zeroes. Already had it on ps4, but I will take that gamerscore and gladly play it again for 6 dollars on xbox one
  12. M

    GameStop Trade & Promos XXVII: Values available on the website and on Android/iOS app.

    I used a birthday coupon on my account the other day for a used copy of advanced warfare. My brother has a birthday coupon he wants to use, but we want the points to go on my PuR account. Will this potentially cause a problem if there are two birthday coupons used that close together on one account?
  13. M

    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    wait, so just to clarify...these are the black friday games that arent supposed to start for another 4 hours right? Was really hoping for metro redux
  14. M

    Bonus Multiplayer items for Dragon Age Inquisition with purchase at Hot Topic

    I am at work, but received an email from Hot Topic that said you get  a free download code for dragon age inquisiton with purchase of the games merchandise. There is a shirt for 16.40. I was able to add it to my cart on the website, but it gives absolutely no information on what the code is for...
  15. M

    GameStop TIV/Promos XXVI: Values available on Android/iOS app. Games with guaranteed $40/$30 and more!

    thanks, was able to get advanced warfare for like 20 something dollars today
  16. M

    GameStop TIV/Promos XXVI: Values available on Android/iOS app. Games with guaranteed $40/$30 and more!

    might be a little off topic, but am I able to use a powerup reward coupon for 20 dollars off a preowned game, and a birthday coupon at the same time?
  17. M

    $50 off any Xbox One console or bundle: 11/2/14 - 1/3/15

    welp, my friend has checked everywhere within 2 hours for a SO bundle and no place has one. He is now settling for the advanced warfare bundle
  18. M

    $50 off any Xbox One console or bundle: 11/2/14 - 1/3/15 friend is looking for the SO bundle today. Looks like literally everywhere is sold out, even though gamestop and walmart website say they have them in stock today at our local store. Did target not get the SO bundle?
  19. M

    $50 off any Xbox One console or bundle: 11/2/14 - 1/3/15

    I already have an xbox one, but my friend is looking for the SO bundle. Everywhere is sold out, except walmart. Why does their site still say its full price, he said he called and they had no idea about the promo and it was marked full price still too
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