Search results

  1. M

    MadCatz SoulCalibur V Stick - About $60

    Amazon has it in stock for $99.99 (both versions). It's $60 less than the default but it could also be the "last hoorah" pricing for it.
  2. M

    XBL Deals|7/4 Only- Witcher2, OrangeBox, More | 7/5 Only-Hitman:Absolution $10, More | ME3: Omega | BL2 DLC (Gold) | FREE Defense Grid (Gold) | MORE

    $10 for SSFIV:AE retail is actually a very competitive price. Why buy vanilla SFIV at all? Speaking of vanilla, that's the MK version on "sale" for $20; the Komplete Edition is still $16 (minus tax/shipping) on Amazon, unless digital is a big deal for you.
  3. M

    The Steam Deal Thread V6. We're all pumped for CAG 3.0!

    Gratuitous Space Battles hasn't been this low on Steam in a long, long time (it never appeared in any special sales during the last holiday event). However, why not discount the latest DLC? At $6 it's over a dollar more than the Complete Pack. Ridiculous.
  4. M

    GOG Deals Thread

    GOG upped the ante this year, even though the deep discounts were seen in bundles. Plus, the free expansions were very cool (Hell yea, Alien Crossfire!) as was a free Duke Nukem 3D. The only thing I ended up purchasing was the Back to the Future game, though.
  5. M

    Steam Group Buy and Gift Requests thread

    Add me to the Torchlight 2 group. Thanks.
  6. M

    Steam Group Buy and Gift Requests thread

    Also interested in Paypaling $7.50 for a Torchlight 2.
  7. M

    XBL DotW Sales 2013 | 1/1 EA SPORTS (Gold) | MORE! | Now-Wiki

    Picked up Mark of the Ninja and Rayman Origins for the 1400 points they are today.
  8. M

    Steam Group Buy and Gift Requests thread

    LF Chivalry 4 pack group as well ($9.40)
  9. M

    XBL DotW Sales 2012 |- CLOSED

    Bit on Iron Brigade (finally) and its DLC. I'm contemplating whether or not to go for the Magic 2012 DLC and the Horde command pack.
  10. M

    Interplay Games 50% off ($2.99) at GOG till 4/16

    GameSpot inducted it to their Greatest Games of All Time list (their Hall of Fame version). It's generally acknowledged as the best of the space combat genre, most often duking it out with TIE Fighter for the spot. I would recommend it though as it's my favorite PC game yet.
  11. M

    Classic CRPG Compilation's Incoming

    GOG had a pretty good D&D sale a couple months back that got you everything for $40, minus NVW2 but plus Dragonshard and Demon Stone.
  12. M

    Forgotten Realms CRPGs 50% off at Impulse

    I'll wait for them to go on sale at GOG.
  13. M

    Buy a Summer of Arcade Game, Get The Maw Free

    Bastion/Maw link still works. Good find.
  14. M


    Yea, I did the same thing: Bought ME2 for $10 on BF, bit on the three DLCs for 200 points each a few months back, and will likely get Arrival later this week. 280 just isn't a clean number though...
  15. M

    GOG - Summer Hidden Gems - July 25 - Independence War Deluxe - $2.39

    Purchased Septerra Core. IIRC PC Gamer really liked it, and it might be a better game than the recent Final Fantasies.
  16. M

    Steam Deal Thread V1 - Thread closed. See V2 thread for the deals!

    It's not being advertised, but all Gratuitous Space Battles items are 75% off. You can get everything for $9.99.
  17. M

    Steam Deal Thread V1 - Thread closed. See V2 thread for the deals!

    It would be nice if the Quake collection was complete. Might as well call it the Quake Classic Collection since Quake IV and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars are absent.
  18. M

    Steam Deal Thread V1 - Thread closed. See V2 thread for the deals!

    Have they raised the level cap above 6? I stopped played when most of the classes hit that level.
  19. M

    Tekken 6 LE w/ wireless fightstick (360) $37.99 @ Amazon

    They were $29.99 + tax at BB but it didn't last long. An extra $6 considering the added rarity of it these days is pretty good (the sticks alone were going for $35-40 used on eBay a couple weeks back).
  20. M

    Crackdown (360) $3.49 at Amazon

    Amazon's being too slow, and between there being only 2 left in stock and finding some trivial item to acquire the free shipping, it isn't worth it.
bread's done