I was able to get this today with no problem. The kid who was working didn't know about the deal but he asked the manager and he knew about it. Total cost with tax for me was $214.09 Good deal since I missed the BF deal.
Also online my stores showed OOS. So actually go to the store to...
Been waiting for this to hit a good price for awhile now.
Looking for a Gamefly trial code besides the 14 day one.
Also do they have a referral service so someone here can at least get something for me signing up?
Thanks CAGS
Yeah, this should be moved but GTFO Really? Come one people!
Ok, now I'm curious and I"m going to add to a thread that is in the wrong place :)
What is so special about the BBY Exclusive Blu-Ray?
I scored yesterday at my local GS. Went in with my kids to get some Mario Kart Trading Cards. My 9yo daughter asked if they had any left and the clerk came out of the backroom with a small case of 37 packs and just gave it to us.
My local store has been oos the last couple of days so I'm also hoping that when they are restocked it will be the PH version. I've been waiting patiently since I got my Xbox just a couple of months ago.