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  1. Jonkai

    Target Ad (Week 2/10 – 2/16) Buy 2 Get 1 Free All Games, Movies, Books & Select Video Games

    Damn sucks that the Division 2 isn't included. I want to get Jump Force, although I already have Anthem preordered from Best Buy. Leaves me with nothing else that I need to buy like right now.
  2. Jonkai

    Best Buy Ad 2/10-2/16

    sorry original was  in wrong thread
  3. Jonkai

    BestBuy Enforcing Removal of GCU If You Go Past 3 Game Limit

    Corporations are not your friend. They depend on this horde mentality of consumers to justify the belittlement of other consumers, but what will you say when they come for you through some new loophole of updated ToS that you agreed to without reading? Unless you are on the Best Buy executive...
  4. Jonkai

    PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread

    My power cord has it's wires showing, and I don't want to keep bandaging it with electrical tape. What is the cheapest Vita charger replacement that actually works that people have found?
  5. Jonkai

    Best Buy Ad 12/3-12/9: Buy One, Get One 50% Off on select XB1/PS4 Games

    What are the chances that this will work with pre-orders as well?
  6. Jonkai

    BB free $15 savings with $150 gc purchase

    Note to self, just go ahead  and buy this gift card deal the next time it's available.I pretty much just spent near $150 anyways.
  7. Jonkai

    1 Year of Playstation Plus $39.99 at Best Buy, Amazon, and Gamestop

    Awesome, had a bunch of certificate points to use (although beware to make sure you always issue $5 less), and no tax either for me at least.
  8. Jonkai

    Bestbuy The Last Guardian, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, Overwatch Friday the 13th on sale

    Thanks, finally grabbed Uncharted 4. I don't see that game going to $15 pre-GCU so I figured its best to buy it now.
  9. Jonkai

    ►Best Buy Deals: Select Games w/$10 in Rewards & Other BB Deals!

    Hmmm to pre-order Tekken 7 and get the steelbook or wait for the inevitable price drop (and maybe even still get the steelbook included with that i.e. Mass Effect)?
  10. Jonkai

    ►Best Buy Deals: Select Games w/$10 in Rewards & Other BB Deals!

    Thank Goodness! The oddly spaced drought is over. I would have thought titles like Ghost Recon and Mass Effect would have had the Certificate. Thought they e're going to kill it off for a sec. I expect they'll add a bunch around E3.
  11. Jonkai

    Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 (PS4/XB1) $19.99 @ Target & Amazon

    The ending was rushed, but the war was prolonged. I want to see how the game handles it.
  12. Jonkai

    Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 (PS4/XB1) $19.99 @ Target & Amazon

    Target has both the PS4 and Xbox One versions of Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 for $19.99.  Target Link: PS4 XB1 The PS4 version of the latest Naruto fighting game is $20 on Amazon right now, but Prime Only. Amazon...
  13. Jonkai

    [OVER] Rightstuf 2015 Holiday Sale is OVER! See you all next year.

    Lol they want someone to drop $2000, but still have DVD versions in there.
  14. Jonkai

    [OVER] Rightstuf 2015 Holiday Sale is OVER! See you all next year.

    Lol at the some of these sales prices for day 36. Both Akira 25th and DMC SAVE edition can be had for literally half their price.
  15. Jonkai

    [OVER] Rightstuf 2015 Holiday Sale is OVER! See you all next year.

    I wish they would have all the related seasons go on sale at the same time, also it's 2015, 4K BDs are about to come out, and they are still pushing these DVDs...
  16. Jonkai

    Official Collector's Edition Compilation IV (No reselling discussions)

    So the UPS man just came, and I'm kinda underwhelmed by the MGS5 CE. The first off putting thing was they they essentially printed a picture of cheap leather onto a faux-leather box, and the arm is a lot smaller and more plasitcy than I thought. Anyways, I forgot it came with a steelbook, which...
  17. Jonkai

    Best Buy $10 Reward Certificates Pre-order Promo.

    I pre-ordered both MGS and Mad Max a while ago... of course they just shipped. If they get to me somehow tomorrow then good, but they won't and I will be angry.
  18. Jonkai

    Best Buy $10 Reward Certificates Pre-order Promo.

    I pre-ordered both MGS and Mad Max a while ago... of course they just shipped. If they get to me somehow tomorrow then good, but they won't and I will be angry.
  19. Jonkai

    8/9-8/15 Blu Ray and DVD sales at Best Buy

    Well they've already signed Tom Hardy for 3 movies, so I'm sure the next movie will do well enough to warrant a third.
  20. Jonkai

    8/9-8/15 Blu Ray and DVD sales at Best Buy

    You can also Pre-Order the Mad Max Steelbook Bluray combo for $19.99, and something about you get a digital copy early. Me personally, Idk if I should get this or just wait for when they repackage the entire next trilogy as a package, but then again that'll be at least 5 years out.
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