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  1. ProtoEXE88

    CAGcast #632: TestStop

    In the sequel to the Sonic movie I just want Jim Carrey to come back and fuck with Knuckles as is tradition in the Sonic franchise. And in regards to the V Bucks thing, having to go to a store to buy the card is already crazy enough nowadays, and I'm curious at how many of their sales actually...
  2. ProtoEXE88

    Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!

    Where are people getting coupons for Golf Story? I ordered 2 copies and haven't seen anything yet in my email D:
  3. ProtoEXE88

    Movies Anywhere Anniversary Free 3 Movies (Happy Feet, Fate of the Furious, and Martian)

    I don't think unsyncing works but I might be wrong... there's a warning on there too about not being able to resync for 180 days or something (it probably says something different, but there is a 180 day warning for something). I never synced Fandango and I did that a few days ago and it...
  4. ProtoEXE88

    (RIP) Offical Disney Movie Rewards Code Thread

    Some of the movies that had digital copies also required you to use a disc to link it to your iTunes account back in the day too. Only in the last 2-3 years have more movies started to have it in every version of the Blu Ray, you'd have to look at your cases to see which ones you should have it...
  5. ProtoEXE88

    YMMV Best Buy sending out free thank you reward certificates

    I got one of these... its been quite a while.
  6. ProtoEXE88

    Best Buy Black Friday 2017

    Seems pretty solid, already grabbed Uncharted Lost Legacy and will get South Park and a few others on BF/whenever early access is.
  7. ProtoEXE88

    The new (and mod approved) Sony RLS thread

    I managed to score The Last Guardian earlier today, refreshed and it said 1 copy was left, so yay!
  8. ProtoEXE88

    The new (and mod approved) Sony RLS thread

    HOLY SHIT I WON Lego Star wars.....
  9. ProtoEXE88

    The new (and mod approved) Sony RLS thread

    1K points? That seems low for a new release... but I'll take it!
  10. ProtoEXE88

    The new (and mod approved) Sony RLS thread

    What's up with the newest tweet saying "Deus Ex codes will work by the end of the day" did they give this away already, or maybe this tweet went out a bit early?
  11. ProtoEXE88

    (RIP) Offical Disney Movie Rewards Code Thread

    I have Aladdin and  Force Awakens Blu Ray codes I wouldn't mind trading... maybe something like Zootopia if someone has a spare? Open to others you may have as well.
  12. ProtoEXE88

    The new (and mod approved) Sony RLS thread

    I won a copy of Headlander.
  13. ProtoEXE88

    The new (and mod approved) Sony RLS thread

    Whoa... apparently I missed some good shit D:
  14. ProtoEXE88

    The new (and mod approved) Sony RLS thread

    Got through with Uncharted! I might try for Battleborn but tbh I don't really want it.
  15. ProtoEXE88

    The new (and mod approved) Sony RLS thread

    Does anybody have a direct link to Uncharted? Everytime I get to the page it refreshes back to the default catalog page :/
  16. ProtoEXE88

    The new (and mod approved) Sony RLS thread

    Looks like I'm missing out on this if I can't get it working :(
  17. ProtoEXE88

    Best Buy - Game of Thrones S5 $39.99 preorder

    Looks like I'm going Bolton since I have seasons with the other two.
  18. ProtoEXE88

    Official Skylanders Thread

    Damn, I might finally cave since I don't own Trap Team yet...
  19. ProtoEXE88

    The new (and mod approved) Sony RLS thread

    I just crammed a bunch of quizzes and got Battlefront... too bad my PS+ expired, guess I should re-up that.
  20. ProtoEXE88

    The new (and mod approved) Sony RLS thread

    Just nabbed Fallout, I don't have an active PS+ right now so it makes a bit more sense than Battlefront. (And the fact that I don't have enough points for both :P)
bread's done