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  1. chynco

    CAG & Walmart Giveaway - 3 each: South Park: The Stick of Truth Grand Wizard Edition & Infamous: Second Son

    South Park is my all-time favorite show.  I would love to win that.
  2. chynco

    Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? RON PAUL SAYS YES!

    I don't understand why liberals don't like the guy. He shares alot of the same ideas. He wants to bring all the troops home immediately. He's against the war on drugs! He says prostitution should be legal. He says all gambling should be legal. He think you should be able to marry whoever you...
  3. chynco

    [FINISHED] Cheap Ass Gamer $10,000+ GameStop Gift Card Giveaway

    When will I ever win? GL to everyone
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