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  1. C

    PlayStation Now Starter Kit (Includes PS4 Controller & more)

    Exactly what I was thinking?!?
  2. C

    Best Buy $10 Reward Certificates Pre-order Promo.

    Does this happen more often on disc games than on downloads? I've never really noticed it before.
  3. C

    XBL Deals - 2015

    The list of GwG with the Lego Games is a fake list. The website that posted it originally is one of those gag sites.
  4. C

    OLD THREAD: New thread in FIRST/LAST posts.

    Lol wow I just realized i did 100% instead of 50%. I'm an idiot. Thanks
  5. C

    OLD THREAD: New thread in FIRST/LAST posts.

    So with this extra 50% promo, will I get $600 for my xbox one if I trade it in towards a ps4 or wii u?
bread's done