Search results

  1. S

    Winners listed in OP - 1 of 3 PNY GeForce GTX 750ti Cards From CAG & Newegg!

    It's time to upgrade the personal computer and the fiancee's computer, and this would definitely help against the financial hit.
  2. S

    Win a Limited Edition Halo 4 Xbox 360 Console Bundle from CAG - LoganDX Wins!

    Buying a new TV, the older one is going into the computer room... so a second XBox would be a very nice finishing move
  3. S

    The Steam Deal Thread V2 - Dig into those holiday games. V3 thread coming soon!

    There are plenty of potential customers that are NOT on Twitter and would have no idea. Still, it's probably not the best idea to say "hey, don't buy it now!" A lot of that has to do with combating the leaks and getting in front of it with correct information. And most shoppers don't see the...
  4. S

    The Steam Deal Thread V2 - Dig into those holiday games. V3 thread coming soon!

    For sake of information, "steam winter sale" was never mention in the tweet.!/geoffkeene/status/142402108497461249 Admittedly, given the date range, that's probably more than just a normal sale.
  5. S

    Portal 2 (360 & PS3) - $39.99 new, $34.99 used (4/30 thru 5/6) at GameStop

    Just to add some data. Gamestop in San Luis Obispo had it for the sale pricing. Amusingly, said store had not received the new ad, so I think maybe corp dropped the ball on some level.
  6. S

    CAG's Win Everything* Black Friday Bonanza! - Congratulations, thenewnumbertwo!

    Almost everything in this pool of prizes is on my wishlist for at least someone, if not me. *crosses fingers*
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