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  1. C

    Cheapest DDR bundle for ps2?

    Wondering if anybody knows of a retailer of site selling any version of DDR for the PS2 on the cheap? Must include the dance pad. It's a thank you gift, so we don't want to spend more than 40 bucks. Because you know, I'm cheap like that. Any leads would be appreciated.
  2. C

    Rock Band now 199.99

    Talking to a guy at London Drugs, they're not getting their shipment until Saturday morning. He suggested to give them a call first thing or stop by, because if they don't have it then, it'll be a week until they get their next shipment.
  3. C

    Rock Band now 199.99

    The blockbuster in Canyon Meadows still have 3 special bundles of the PS3 version. No xbox 360. THe journey continues.
  4. C

    Rock Band now 199.99

    The futureshop in Calgary's Deerfoot Meadows Mall had 30 xbox 360 versions and 30 versions of the ps3 come in. Of course they're sold out minutes after I find out.
  5. C

    Rock Band now 199.99

    Anybody having luck in Calgary? From my research (otherwise randomly calling up stores for an hour), the Best Buy in Northland Mall and several Roger Videos have the game only version.
  6. C

    Rock Band now 199.99

    Called Blockbuster...They just got a memo from their HQ that says due to the shortages of Rock Band in Canada, they won't be getting any copies until well into the new year.
  7. C

    Rock Band now 199.99

    Got an official response from Harmonix: Rock Band is slated to ship December 20, which means some stores could have it available as early as the 21st. From there, speed of delivery and the discretion of retailers will play a big role in the Canadian launch. The bulk of the Canadian...
  8. C

    Rock Band now 199.99

    From what I gather talking to peeps at Futureshop, the official date is Dec. 28. A pox on EA, a pox I say.
  9. C

    Rock Band now 199.99

    Don't know if people know the situation, so I'll sound off here. Note that I'm based in Calgary. Best Buy & Futureshop: Completely unaware of the new release date. Nobody knows how many copies they'll get. EB Games: Took in too many preorders, so won't have any shelf copies until February...
  10. C

    Rock Band now 199.99

    Do you know if BlockBuster will start to do pre-orders now then? When I went in a few days ago, the guy said they were told the game was delayed until Jan. So when I asked to pre-order, he said, well, because the release date was still in flux they couldn't take any preoders.
  11. C

    Rock Band in Canada Delayed?!

    That is motherlovin' ridiculous. From the reports coming from the states, the shortages of Rock Band were overreported. Let's hope the same goes for Canada, though so close to Christmas, it probably won't be.
  12. C

    Rock Band in Canada Delayed?!

    Does anybody know any retailers or sites that will deliver to Canada that still has Rock Band available? Futureshop had it up, but now they're sold out.
  13. C

    [Canada] Mario Galaxy Watch

    In Calgary, the downtown HMV had them out by noon. Got my copy on my lunchbreak. Though a friend stopped by Future Shop, Best Buy and Walmart, but none of them got their order in due to a presumably late delivery.
  14. C

    Best Buy Flyer Nov 9th

    Is the COD4 and Assassin Creed deal is only available starting up Tuesday, right? Only because Assassin Creed isn't out 'till then. How do you get the deal online? Will they just have a link or is it more of a code you got to input?
  15. C

    Pre-ordering Rock Band in Canada?

    I've looked around and can't seem to find anybody that will let you pre-order Rock Band in Canad, outside of just the game only. I want the bundle, but haven't had any luck and the release is just a few weeks away! Anybody know who's letting pre-orders happen?
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