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  1. C

    Complete list of PSP/minis/PSone games playable on Vita

    Odd that hot shots tennis is back on psn, but now isn't transferable to vita.
  2. C

    Nintendo 3DS Price Drop Hits on August 9th at Walmart

    wait... if I just pick up the 3ds at 250 at walmart I can get my 80 bucks back in 2 days or so right? The walmart is like 5min away so I wouldn't mind going back twice.
  3. C

    Nintendo 3DS Price Drop Hits on August 9th at Walmart

    hmmm the super walmart here still has it for $250. I'm hearing it's 170 at costco already, any confirmation?
  4. C

    cheap decent mouse recommendation?

    My old crap mouse died on me the other week (started leaking oil or something, wtf?), anyone know whats a decent mouse for all purpose (gaming, browsing, etc) which i can get for around $20?
  5. C

    cheap ps2?

    looking for a cheap ps2 because i regret missing out on all the great rpgs, also not willing to shell out 500+ dollars for a ps3. Any help would be great!
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