Search results

  1. Alkaline

    Xbox 360 250GB Special Edition $250, Free Shipping from Newegg

    Newegg has a promo code that brings both the Final Fantasy XIII and Splinter Cell Conviction 360s down to $250, ends on 7/5. These are the 250GB Special Editions with two wireless controllers. Final Fantasy: XBOX625B Splinter...
  2. Alkaline

    what is the "best" HD monitor in the $150-$200? I bought this HP 2159M last year, and I love it. Just another option for you.
  3. Alkaline

    Does ship video game software to the U.S.?

    From their website: Shipping Restrictions Due to warranty issues and manufacturer restrictions, we are not able to ship all products to all geographical locations. Below are some general guidelines. Please also check the product information pages for any other applicable item-specific shipping...
  4. Alkaline

    Mass Effect (PC) - $5 at Direct2Drive Cyber Monday Sale

    EA released a deauthorization tool found here:
  5. Alkaline

    Mass Effect (PC) - $5 at Direct2Drive Cyber Monday Sale

    Under the Minimum System Requirements it lists 'Internet Connection', so I assume this is the Securom version.
  6. Alkaline

    World Of Warcraft

    If you wait for the holiday sales you'll be able to find it for $10, or $20 for the Battlechest bundle. That's the lowest I've seen it.
  7. Alkaline

    Valkyria Chronicles (PS3) $19.96 @ Walmart

    Valkyria Chronicles is now $19.96 at Walmart. Seems like it is a universal drop at Walmart. I grabbed the last copy at mine, and it is sold out online:
  8. Alkaline

    UPDATE:Modern Warfare 2 Collector's $80 & Prestige Edition $150

    $50 is a fair price for plastic, toy goggles.
  9. Alkaline

    Sega Superstar Tennis (Wii) $5.90 (360) $10.83 at Amazon

    Wii version $5.90: 360 Version $10.83:
  10. Alkaline

    Chase The Chuckwagon > eBay

    lol /facepalm.jpg
  11. Alkaline

    Chase The Chuckwagon > eBay

    Why did this pop into my head when I read the title...
  12. Alkaline

    Sins of a Solar Empire - $19.99 at Target (B&M only, Temporary Price Cut)

    It's been $19.88 at my Walmart for a couple weeks now, but I guess that would be YMMV since they want $40 online.
  13. Alkaline

    Left 4 Dead $53.99 shipped @ (Pre-order)

    The correct release date is Nov 4th for the US, but Valve does like its games to be polished.
  14. Alkaline

    Xbox360: $50 Price Cut coming (weekend of 7/13)

    Looks like it's not a price drop after all. They're just clearing out the 20gig inventory to introduce a 60gig model. *sigh*
  15. Alkaline

    $10 off $50 at (6/29 to 7/1)

    Just clear your Toys R Us cookies and it shows up again. There's no difference in the coupons anyway, so you could just print the OP's.
  16. Alkaline

    $10 off $50 at (6/29 to 7/1)

    Thanks, OP.
  17. Alkaline

    Xbox360: $50 Price Cut coming (weekend of 7/13)

    Looks like the 13th.
bread's done