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  1. B

    30% off purchase of 2 games target coupon exp 12/30(YMMV)

    This definitely stacks with no issues on current-gen games. Just got GTA 5, The Last of Us, and COD Ghosts for $91.56 thanks to LA's fantastic 9% sales tax.
  2. B

    30% off purchase of 2 games target coupon exp 12/30(YMMV)

    If you are talking about the $5 gift card attached to your $1 preorder, from looking at it, it appears that the gift card is not activated until you actually purchase the game that the preorder is for. I do not know about yours, but mine has a sticker covering the barcode that says something...
  3. B

    30% off purchase of 2 games target coupon exp 12/30(YMMV)

    I just got one in Van Nuys, CA. I bought 3 preorder cards and 2 cozies on 3 separate transactions. The coupon printed on the second transaction. I forgot to mention, they also had a PS4 display up so I got to play some Knack and Fifa 14. That was a very pleasant surprise!
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