Saw the email for both PSN accounts I use. I know the 20% off codes, when they included them, in new PS4s would only work once per account... any idea about this promo?
They also need to take this from the fine print at the bottom of the page... *Values shown do not include any promotional offers.
And add one about system values require new system purchase to receive amount listed.
Take advantage of this clearance on Move controllers because Johann Sebastian Joust is fantastic.
I understand the majority of gamers dislike motion controllers but you are completely missing out on this really fun game soon to be released later this month or early next on the PS3 (then PC/Mac)...
All answers are on EA's website here
Is a DIRECTV subscription necessary in order to view NFL Sunday Ticket via computer, mobile or tablet?
No, it is not necessary to have a DIRECTV subscription. Each Anniversary Edition...
Easy to check and redeem on the webstore, but you will still need to cancel auto renew for PS+ and I can only figure how to do that on the PS Store.
ex. PS+ free games "purchase" date from previous months resets to the day you renew, today for me. So ALL my FREE games have reset as purchased...
same here, don't know if I should redeem them all or save some for another offer.
PS3 store - couldn't figure how to check on the web either, i'm guessing you can't yet.
Someone here linked to AmazonJosh's comments about the AC3 Vita bundle on reddit, he's confident they won't sellout from when it goes live 3am EST till when they advertise it in the Gold Box page 8am. They have that many.
yes it is, only need to calibrate once. bowling is solid and the others are good. they should have added more sports but the party and custom options for multiplayer (lacked in first) make this a fun game to play with others.