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  1. P

    Scribblenauts Vampire Dilemma

    You can use a priest. It won't kill the vampire(unless you give the priest holy water or a stake), but the priest won't die either, they'll just kind of fight each other forever.
  2. P

    Little King's Story - Build a kingdom, raise an army, take over the world! - OUT NOW!

    I'm up to the last boss now... that guy is pretty tough. I'm just happy to have a truly evil final boss, the game really makes you want to kill him. This game has been amazing, easily one of the best of the year. I'll wait until the year's over to judge, but right now this is easily the Wii's...
  3. P

    Little King's Story - Build a kingdom, raise an army, take over the world! - OUT NOW!

    I'm awful at this game, but it's so good that I'm going to keep after it. I can't imagine I'll be trying Tyrant mode once I beat this, but maybe if I start getting better at figuring out a strategy for the boss fights. Against Duvroc it took me 4 tries to beat him, and the time that I did I lost...
  4. P

    Chrono Trigger or World Ends with You?

    Both of these games are great, so you should try to get both at some point. For a road trip I would probably go with Chrono Trigger, but you can't go wrong with either one.
  5. P

    Survey: Buying habits of CAGs

    New: Little King's Story- $50 at TRU about 2 weeks ago Used: Never
  6. P

    Little King's Story - Build a kingdom, raise an army, take over the world! - OUT NOW!

    I just got this game tonight, and put in about 2 hours so far... this game is amazing. Like, I expected it to be good, but not this good. If I had known how much this was going to be like Pikmin(and actually so far I would say it's better than Pikmin in some ways) I would've had this game...
  7. P

    Club Nintendo

    I think I'm going to have to go with Punch-Out. I love the game, and even though I wish the Doc fight had just already been in the game or been DLC, I'll take it this way if I must.
  8. P

    Punch Out Wii - General Discussion and Info

    I just wanted to say that I still love this game, and even though I'm never going to lose a fight I just keep playing anyway. My record is something like 300-19 now in career mode. At this point I'm always trying to find more creative and efficient ways to beat everyone. My favorite moment was...
  9. P

    Your Top 10 Wii Games.

    No particular order: 1. Super Mario Galaxy 2. No More Heroes 3. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition 4. Rock Band 2(or any of the Guitar Hero games; RB2 wins the spot based on the quality and quantity of DLC, but you can't really go wrong with any of these) 5. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption 6. Super Smash...
  10. P

    Ghostbusters Wii Discussion Thread..

    I got it today(at TRU with the $20 gift card which is why I got it now instead of waiting), but I'm not sure when I'm going to get to it. My backlog isn't too bad at the moment so hopefully soon.
  11. P

    Monado: Beginning of the World (Nintendo RPG)

    So this is MonolithSoft's new game then? I would have preferred Baiten Kaitos 3(which I know will never happen), but I'm sure this will be good too.
  12. P

    Another Code/Trace Memory Wii - General Discussion and Info

    So any news of this from E3? I'm hoping this will get a NA release, but with NOA who knows?
  13. P

    Endless Ocean 2 - Wifi and Wii Speak

    The first one was a great surprise, I expected to like it, but not nearly as much as I did. I will definitely be getting this one. I'm glad this game is confirmed for release in North America now. With NOA lately, you just never know. Now if we could only get confirmation on Trace...
  14. P

    Punch Out Wii - General Discussion and Info

    Those are the only two challenges I have left to do for those two as well. I think the Disco Kid one has got to be a well timed star punch, but so far I haven't found any instant KOs on him. After fighting TD Bald Bull, TD Super Macho Man was easy(though at least the second time around he's...
  15. P

    Punch Out Wii - General Discussion and Info

    I'm actually disappointed by how easy Super Macho Man is in this one. It's by far the easiest SMM has ever been. I can consistantly TKO him in round 1 without getting hit, and I'm not that good. His attacks are just too easy to dodge, and it's hard not to get stars on him. At the moment, I'm up...
  16. P

    Wii Shop Thread: ***FINAL FANTASY 3 IS OUT ON THE VC***

    I may have to get Majora's Mask at some point, but not right now. I've played the game enough times as it is. It is one of the best Zelda games though, tied with Wind Waker for my favorite of the 3D Zeldas. The only issue the game has is that, just like WW, it needed a few more dungeons. But it...
  17. P

    TOS: Dawn of the New World -- IGN: 6.7, GT: 7.9, NP: 8.0

    Yeah, I still don't know why this game reviewed as badly as it did. No it wasn't as good as a real Tales game, but for a spin off the game was fine. The whole thing with the monsters is pretty much just there. For the most part, you don't even have to use them. Sometimes you do, but so what? The...
  18. P

    o dang Henry Hatsworth! puzzle / platform hybrid

    I think you're right. The boss of World 3 was much harder than the boss of World 4. I'm up to 5-5 now. I will admit things start getting tricky in world 5. 5-4 got crazy at times, but since I still finished that level without dieing even once, I definitely can't say it was too hard. If...
  19. P

    o dang Henry Hatsworth! puzzle / platform hybrid

    I've only just made it to world 4 myself, but so far this game has absolutely exceeded my expectations in every way. Actually that's true of almost every DS game I've played this year so far. I can't believe we're only 4 months in, and I've got Retro Game Challenge, Dragon Quest V, and Henry...
  20. P

    Rhythm Heaven

    I know I suck at this game, and I don't know why. I have all S ranks on both Ouendans, so I know I can play rhythm games. But this one is giving me trouble. Once I figured out how to skip though I liked the game a lot more, now I can move on to better games and just go back to ones that are...
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