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  1. dkfugate

    CAG PSN Gamesharing #3 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

    Does anybody have a share of Final Fantasy VII or Lumines??
  2. dkfugate

    CAG PSN Gamesharing #2 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group & Gameshare FAQ

    Looking for a slot on Lumines if anyone has one please let me know on a PM or email me [email protected] THANKS
  3. dkfugate

    Limbo coming to PSN!

    Cannot wait! Been wanting to play this for ages.
  4. dkfugate

    The Blockbuster Thread XXV: June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under

    For the blister packs you might try asking if they have any behind the counter. When I used to work there we kept ours stashed away to make it easier on us come inventory time. We kept the blister pack Wii points in a cabinet underneath the POS.
  5. dkfugate

    Gamestop B2G1: 5/16 - 5/23 (online only)

    The "manager" was more than likely a newly promoted shift manager that didn't understand how inventory and end of day profit lines works. Employees there are told to keep returns to a minimum. You, and anyone who wants to return a game ordered online, is completely in the right. In this case...
  6. dkfugate

    dkfugate's Storefront *EMPTY ATM*

  7. dkfugate

    GameStop TIV/Promos: Old Thread, New Thread in First/Last Posts.

    Base Values 5.10.2011 :360: Qubed - $2 :wii: Donkey Kong Country Returns - $24 (Down from $27) Ghostbusters - $4 Wii Sports Resort - $15 :ps3: Infamous - $12 (Up from $11) Killzone 2 - $8
  8. dkfugate

    Wii Black & White @ Walmart $149.00

    Yeah that's lowered retail price. Pretty sick that they got it earlier than everyone else. I'm holding out for the used price drop at gamestop. Fingers crossed for 89.99 price tag.
  9. dkfugate

    Amazon Credit Deals - Borderlands 2 and More

    I'm really hoping Infamous 2 gets a credit. I haven't paid attention to amazon credit deals for long - do big first party sony titles usually get the credit deals?
  10. dkfugate

    GameStop TIV/Promos: Old Thread, New Thread in First/Last Posts.

    Wii Base Trade-In Values 05.06.2011 Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga - $7 Wii Sports - $4 Wii Sports Resort - $15 I was out today selling some stuff at a local store here and found Wii Sports Resort for $3. I am definitely going to trade it in at GameStop, does anyone know if they will let you...
  11. dkfugate

    Amazon Credit Deals - Borderlands 2 and More

    Yep looks like Amazon is getting my money for Portal 2. Well played, Amazon, well played.
  12. dkfugate

    PS3/PS4 Games - Buy, Sell or Trade Thread!

    :drool: = Haven't played through yet but can have the game beat in a few days if you want it [-( = Low want, will consider offers Have: God of War: Collection** God of War III** Killzone 2 (black label, original release, complete, mint) :drool: inFamous (black label, complete, mint)...
  13. dkfugate

    Delete me please Mods.

    Vanquish (Mint) - $7
  14. dkfugate

    looking for anything ps3....

    What PS3 games were you looking for?
  15. dkfugate

    W: Various Games

    What colors do you have? I'm looking for a sega brand controller. I've got a generic one already but the d-pad is aweful
  16. dkfugate

    W: Various Games

    Do you have a dreamcast controller?
  17. dkfugate

    W: Various Games

    Grand Theft Auto 4 -$6
  18. dkfugate

    GS TIV/Promos: Old thread, check first/last post for link to new one.

    Nah the Jak 3 was all tore up and wrote on. No manual and ripped up art. It played fine but looked like **** ya feel me
  19. dkfugate

    GS TIV/Promos: Old thread, check first/last post for link to new one.

    3.05.2011 :ps2: Fire Pro Wrestling Returns - $1.00 :ps2: Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance - $2.00 :ps2: Jak 3 - $2.00 :ps2: 8mb Memory Card - $1.00 PS2 System [Slim] - $25.00 base value ($50 total after promo) Xbox360 System w/ Wireless Controller - $50.00 base value ($100 total after promo) Also...
  20. dkfugate

    GS TIV/Promos: Old thread, check first/last post for link to new one.

    Nah should be $100 (50 base + 50 promo). I'm trading one in today so I'll find out for sure
bread's done