Search results

  1. Edgesabre

    Diggin' the new layout!

    Diggin' the new layout!
  2. Edgesabre

    Gladiator Begins (PSP) - 10 x Downloadable Code Giveaway from CAG and Aksys Games

    Played the demo and would definitely consider getting this, if not for free then as a cheapy deal.
  3. Edgesabre

    $20 off Alpha Protocol (PS3, 360 and PC) - Best Buy

    Consider yourself lucky cuz I tried 2 stores and they both said they couldn't do it. Sucks since I was really interested in this one. Hope it drops soon.
  4. Edgesabre

    Lycans rule!

    Lycans rule!
  5. Edgesabre

    [FINISHED] Cheap Ass Gamer $10,000+ GameStop Gift Card Giveaway

    amazed at how good this site is. Keep up the good work.
  6. Edgesabre

    Win a PS3 Slim & Watchmen Blu-ray From Goozex

    Goozex Name: Edgesabre
  7. Edgesabre

    TARGET Clearance Trading Thread! NEW/UPDATED - 1 post per person

    Have (sealed) Final Fantasy III - DS The Club -360 Luxor - PSP Looking for (PS3 versions preferred) Lost Odyssey Grid Kane & Lynch Eye of Judgement w/ Eyetoy Uncharted
  8. Edgesabre

    GOOZEX PS3 CAG Giveaway Contest!

    Goozex ID: Edgesabre
  9. Edgesabre


    PM sent
  10. Edgesabre

    Official Kmart Clearance Thread (Old)

    Didn't know there was one. Will do!
  11. Edgesabre

    Kmart Clearance Trade Thread

    Can anyone help me out and pick up a copy of Rogue Galaxy plus shipping?? Tried my Kmart but no luck. Thanks
  12. Edgesabre

    Official Kmart Clearance Thread (Old)

    Would anyone be kind enough to get me a copy of Rouge Galaxy plus shipping? I just checked by my Kmart but they didn't have any. Though they did have Disgea 2 but it was ringing up $25.
  13. Edgesabre

    PS3 Games - Buy, Sell or Trade Thread!

    PS3 to trade Transformers (Sealed) Want PS3 Warhawk w/ headset Motorstorm Lair The Darkness PS2 Odin Sphere Grim Grimoire Rouge Galaxy Shin Megami Tensei Series Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 Devil Summoner Nocturne Xenosaga Ep. 3 Way of the Samurai 2 .hack ep 3...
  14. Edgesabre

    Guile's list (w/pics) - (Looking for $$$) Dreamcast titles added!

    you posted there you were looking to trade for Grandia 3. How bout for your Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga?
  15. Edgesabre

    Costco Online PS3 Bundle revealed... sort of

    Garbage, can't even get onto to check my cart!!!
  16. Edgesabre

    40% off used games $9.99 or less at EB

    South Shore Malll in Bay Shore
  17. Edgesabre

    40% off used games $9.99 or less at EB

    Rat got it exactly. used games 9.99 or less are 40% off, plus another 10% if you've got the card
  18. Edgesabre

    40% off used games $9.99 or less at EB

    up to 50% off any used game $9.99 or less. Don't know if it's YMMV. Just happened to pass by the store and saw the signage. Had two huge bins near front of the store. Didn't have time to run in and ask.
  19. Edgesabre

    40% off used games $9.99 or less at EB

    Plus another 10% off if you've got their card. Just happened to pass by the store.
bread's done