Fig I would post it here to let my CAG Comm take a swing at it let me know if I should revise my listings or what. Thanks CAG community.
Xbox One 500GB With Games
GOW UE Dig Download
GOW UE Cole MP Skin
picked up 1 about a month ago from a diff site same price only a 14 day warranty. I got the SqTrade warranty. the unit died on day 19. SqTrade said I had to wait the 41 days (total of 60days) before they would deal with it. spoke with store manager and they switched it out. I just got it...
going to miss checking this spot for everyone's comments, deff not going to miss TB. well I used my last code this morning. good luck to the rest of ya.
I've stopped eating at TB for the last week but still no luck with any way of entering. Looks like I will have to put on some gloves and get ready to fight the rush on BF to get one (even if nothing looks like a good deal at the moment)
Xerous when you post a loss you give hope to keep...
I hear ya, I'm happy for the winners , I just one to be one of them too. I was able to talk to office into wanting TB for the weekly meeting so let's see if I can get some codes from TB for a office lunch-in