I doubt it. I think they didn't advertise it originally since they were out of stock at the end of the last sale and didn't think they would have any by then. You might not see it for less than this 'til Black Friday maybe.
Thanks for the reviews, I'm totally convinced that both ac3 and 18th century America sucked. As for Far Cry, the privileged white kid main characters sound lame in this game and the furthest from the average gamer's demographic. The characters should be broader and random like Dead Island except...
I wasn't counting spinoffs which is why I said Phoenix Wright games instead of Ace Attorney I should've been clearer, and Edgey's spinoff wasn't exactly atrocious, it just needed the classic Wright v.Edgeworth showdown or at least a Feenie cameo lol
That's strange it's so high when it's the shortest and weakest link in the Phoenix Wright series. I bought it from GameStop at least 3 years ago and it was cheaper than all of them ($15 w/edge card) and was present more frequently than the others in the Gamestops around me (around 15 within 10...
Exactly so can we all just save our bitching for the end product?! They've got enough on their plate without us breathing down their necks about every little thing.