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  1. C

    Breaking Bad: The Complete Series 2014 Barrel

    Would have picked this up but my wife bought me the complete Blu ray set that came out a little over a month ago. Thanks for the heads up though OP
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    Sunmaid: Box Trolls - Free Movie Tickets Instant Win

    2/7 in getting the free tickets. Going to see Ghostbusters 30th Anniversary tonight
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    50% off Criterion sale @ Barnes & Nobles (ends 07/28/14).

    Picked up Seven Samurai and A Hard Days Night just started picking up Criterion Blu Rays
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    Free Destiny Beta codes / Destiny beta is now FREE to download

    I have an extra ps3 and ps4 code I just got if anyone needs one
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    Free Destiny Beta codes / Destiny beta is now FREE to download

    Hey guys I am looking for a ps3 code to play with my best friend I also have 2 ps4 codes I won't be using if anyone needs one Edit: Just gave both mine away
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    PS3 Code Drops Here

    Diablo 3 Infernal Helm PLLF-HJN7-G54T
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    Gamestop PUR Only $20 off PS4 Games (6/13 - 6/15) Killzone: SF and Knack for $20

    Going to pick up Knack for my wife she's been wanting to play it since the PS4 came out
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    H: Destiny Alpha Code; W: PSN Credit

    Hey everyone been signed up for over a year and I don't normally have codes to give out but I received an extra Alpha code this morning. PM if interested
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    eBay Cyber Monday Deals: $50 Staples Gift Card for $40

    Anybody have an opinion on the Asus TF600? I almost bought it yesterday glad I waited if I get it for the extra 50 off
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    Black Friday Gaming Deals Thread - DEALS ARE LIVE!

    Curious: Beyond Two Souls or Deadpool? Polar opposites but any one highly recommend one over the other for a present?
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    PS3: Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time & PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale both $20 at GameStop *And Amazon

    Do you think on a price match at Best Buy it would stack with the $20 off on PAS?
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    GameStop TIV/Promos Thread XX: Old thread, new thread in first/last post.

    I personally did this and I loved The Last of Us more than Infinite. You are going to get way more than base value for both so I would say yeah 6/25 PS3 Far Cry 2- $2.50 Heavy Rain Directors Cut- $6 Resistance Collection- $11 The Last of Us- $25 XBox 360 Dead Space- $5 Halo Reach- $4...
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    2013 Completed Games Tab

    Guess my goal will be to cut down my backlog January The Walking Dead February Modern Warfare 3 Crysis 3 March Tomb Raider April Bioshock Infinite May L.A. Noire Alan Wake (all DLC) Ghost Recon Future Soldier Injustice (story)
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    Is the PowerUp Rewards Pro membership at GS a good deal or rip off?

    I have gotten 3 $10 off codes with points and saved about a $120 buying used so its great for me. But to build up points you really have to trade so not sure if that's a big thing for you.
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