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  1. S

    The Blockbuster Thread XXV: June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under

    i havent logged in about 6 months but did so just to say a heartfelt thank you to hawaiiBoy for saving me so much time and money. You are a tremendous person, karma should carry you really far in life. Thanks for all the fantastic work. Hopefully your next job is a rewarding one!
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    [DEAD] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword $19.99 Kmart (B&M) 5/6 - 5/12

    Just looged in for the first time in like 6 months, uhh what happened to the Josh and Kmart/Sears Crew? did they pull the plug?
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    Fallout 3 Collector's Editions (360/PC) $29.99 + FS Amazon

    damn that was quick I logged in added to cart and by the time I went to check out it was gone baby gone. Pc version is still available tho, damn wjere the hell did they get these??
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    The Blockbuster Thread XXV: June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under

    yeah i got the same story. was this in nanuet ny?
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    KmartGamer 6.0 - Gears of War 3 $20 coupon + Save $30 on 12 Month XBLA

    i JUST CALLED CUSTOMER SERVICE AND WAS TOLD IT WAS SOLD OUT IN THE WHOLE ny STATE, is there any way I can get it shipped and get the deal??????????????
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    The Blockbuster Thread XXV: June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under

    Picked up a ps3 80gb blockbuster bundle for $285 after taxes. Its a good deal, especially for those that missed out on the target $100 coupon thing. The bundle comes with a 80 Gb ps3,the official ps3 remote control, HDMI cable, Transformers-the game,a blu-ray movie, I think its an adam sandler...
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    Resistance 1 + 2 Greatest Hits Bundle $39.99

    i may be in the minority but I absolutely loved Resistance 1 and thought part 2 was just okay
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    The Blockbuster Thread XXV: June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under

    f anybody wants a complete fallout for either system, id be more than happy to trade for a couple of random wii titles that can be found at blockbusters. also it clearly sasy on the sign that there is a LIMIT OF 5 copies that can be bought by a customer at a time. unfortunately I had to...
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    Kmartgamer 4.0

    Okay so I call my local kmart asking specifically for the playstation 3 killzone system bundle. The associate on hand asked, VinnY the manager if they were in stock. Immediately he replied yes. So I walk the 10 blacks or so and when I get there the employee tells me that they don't have...
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    Official Collector's Edition Compilation thread (Latest: Grand Theft Auto V CE/SE)

    wow! it seems like all the collectors sets coming out now are awesome, these are no exceptions they all look awesome. hopefully gone are the days of like the Ninja Gaiden like collectors editions, that will surely just contain pretty much just a soundtrack, half ass art and flimsy cardboard...
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    Kmartgamer 4.0

    are you serious? my shift button is f'd up, this is seriously like funny to you guys? damn i know this place is flooded with geeks and nerds but c'mon.heres what i got from the OP :ps3:1-18 Mass Effect - Buy Mass Effect 2 PS3 and get another $59.99 game 50% off (offer valid through 2/12) Will...
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    Kmartgamer 4.0

    what an ass, some of us actually have lives and cant read through 150 pages, nor do we all speak nerd/geektalk and know all the latest CAG acronyms and deals, a yes or no answer would have been more helpful,
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    Kmartgamer 4.0

    So can i get some clarification, mass effect 2 (ps30 is on sale for 44.99 AND then a 2nd game is 505 off? please help as im about to walk to my local kmart its only 5 blocks away
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    The Blockbuster/Gamerush Thread XXIV - 5 for $20 on $9.99 and under Blu-Rays

    you are the cheapest gamer! My spot (Not FYE, but they have an acronym for a name and actually have more stores in NYC than FYE)lets me trade in up to 4 at a time of any game. I work around it by walking around for awhile and coming back to a different employee while not trying to make too much...
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    The Blockbuster/Gamerush Thread XXIV - 5 for $20 on $9.99 and under Blu-Rays

    theres a product I bought Online, Un-du I believe I bought it on ebay it was like $8-12, works great No Leftover residue and doesnt smell bad really. Secondly i was recently at a FYE and they had SH&t TIVs. Also Dont knwo if it was posted but FYE had the Most amazing sale. theres only one...
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    How is that lame? Its a $80 Collectors edition thats not even two months old, i dont understand how It made the clearance cycle so quickly, not that i'm complaining or anything
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    New Mortal Kombat Tournament/Kollector's Edition @ Gamestop $99.99/$149.99 360/PS3

    have you ever seen a Gamecube controller? Also i'm all over the kollectors ed..and Ill definitely pass on the Stick which will probably go the same way the street fighter and Tekken Sticks went expensive at first, But 6 months later can be had much cheaper
bread's done