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  1. V

    OLD THREAD: New thread in FIRST/LAST posts.

    Almost made $300 today, anyways it seems like I got more then what I calculated, here are the TIV I got. :ps3: Injustice:Ultimate Edition $12 Base $16.80 with 40% Borderlands 2 GOTY $15 Base $21 with 40% Dynasty Warriors 8 $10 Base $14 with 40% Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends $14...
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    Resident Evil 6 (PS3/360) $9.99, Need for Speed Most Wanted $14.99 (PS3), FIFA 13 (PS3) $17.99 & More @

    Are these deal still up tomorrow and can I go in-store to buy them?
  3. V

    PS3: Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time & PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale both $20 at GameStop *And Amazon

    If you bought it used and return it back before the 7 days are up you'll get your full refund like it says on the back of the receipt.
  4. V

    PS3: Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time & PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale both $20 at GameStop *And Amazon

    Just noticed these new deals when looking at what Price Dropped for the week. Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale...
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    MLB 13: The Show @ for $25.52

    Is the price online only?
  6. V

    Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 $24.99 PS3/Xbox 360 Best Buy RZ Members

    Does Best Buy mail you the Reward Zone card or do I have to go to the store to get one? I just finished registering online.
  7. V

    GameStop TIV/Promos Thread XX: Old thread, new thread in first/last post.

    Say if I used my 50% trade-in coupon for my Ps3 can I still get cash after seeing how much I get, or is it only store credit?
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    GameStop TIV/Promos Thread XX: Old thread, new thread in first/last post.

    Between the 3/5/7 trade-in and 50% trade-in bonus , which one is the better offer?
  9. V

    GameStop TIV/Promos Thread XX: Old thread, new thread in first/last post.

    Can I still get the 50% Trade-In coupon if I renew my membership, or is it over already?
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