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    Marvel's "Agents of SHIELD"

    I finally just finished this season and enjoyed it. I feel like the twist wasn't built to properly though. Also
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    Will my wife's feet melt?

    It's a combination of citric acid, tartaric acid, and lactic acid. It's for removing calluses on your feet and eating away the dead skin. People have been doing it for years when getting pedicures.
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    Terrible movies that you love

    Showgirls and Street Fighter
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    Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

    LOL! I knew somebody would try and bring that bullshit up.
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    Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

    The match represented a petty beef that Vince McMahon has with a dead company, Triple H's boner for entrances from mid 90's WCW, and Sting deciding that he doesn't want to wrestle forever and wants to live off royalties from the company that's still around. Sting vs. Undertaker would have been...
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    Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

    Besides this incredible example of hyperbole, did you ever watch it first-run?
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    Sriracha thread.

    I tried it a couple of years ago and wasn't a fan. It's too thick/sweet and reminds me of ketchup.
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    Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread XIII

    Hmmm I may have bought that Vita. I wish I was still employed and had tons of Amazon credit :(
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    PSN Off-Topic - Happy Thanksgiving Chumps and Chumpettes!

    Because the only PS3 games I "have" are through PS+. I sold my Vita as well. Remote play never really engaged me until PS4.
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    PSN Off-Topic - Happy Thanksgiving Chumps and Chumpettes!

    More to the point, I was curious if you'd still have to pay to use your PS+ games using Playstation Now, but it looks like you will. Blah. I was briefly excited about it.
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    PSN Off-Topic - Happy Thanksgiving Chumps and Chumpettes!

    Sorry was typing in a rush. I downloaded a bunch of PS3 games with PS+ but don't feel like rebuying a PS3. Can I just use the PS TV?
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    PSN Off-Topic - Happy Thanksgiving Chumps and Chumpettes!

    So I should probably ask this in a non-OT thread, but will you able to stream your PS+ games using the PS TV?
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    Bumped for changes
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    Ultimate Warrior memorial wrestling thread 1959-2014

    Those are the reasons that he dislikes The Undertaker? Valid reasons included anything he did 2001.
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    XBL Deals - 2014 - 3/2015

    So was it never this way or did it change? I'm trying to download Halo Reach from the website and it's telling me to input a payment option.
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