Search results

  1. R

    3DS $169 Costco & Nintendogs + Cats $10.97 [Canada]

    oh and confirmed at Etobicoke/Toronto location
  2. R

    3DS $169 Costco & Nintendogs + Cats $10.97 [Canada]

    got one today thanks for the heads up any game suggestions?
  3. R

    Flyers-Walmart 3DS $198 July 29th-August 4th [Canada]

    alright thank you. i just wanted to know because their price is still 199 so i was unsure and i think i will go pick up one from costco today
  4. R

    Flyers-Walmart 3DS $198 July 29th-August 4th [Canada]

    can someone tell me what is in the starter kit? I do not see it on the site and the starter kit might be enough for me to want to make the extra trip to use price protection instead of looking for one from costco for $169
  5. R

    Flyers February 4th-10th [Canada]

    the trade in list seems decent now especially with some of the games on the list on sale recently but due to lack of funds and lack of interest in the preorder titles i don't think i will go for any of those
  6. R

    PSN February sales and price drop- Resident Evil 2 $3-GTA PSP $10

    thankfully none of the things i grabbed this weekend are on that list but i still have like $4.44 on my account so i may look into one of these
  7. R

    PSN ‘11 for 2011’ Sale - 50% off select titles (Jan 25 - 31)

    hmm i have $20 but i was planning on using 10 of it on the zombie dlc from RDR so ideas on what games to buy for $10 i'm thinking shatter so far
  8. R

    Flyers January 21st-27th [Canada]

    well there was a $1 game promotion there so anything can happen. and i hope it is a good sale because i was quite disappointed by my walmart during the $1 sale
  9. R

    [Canada] Wal-Mart $1 games YMMV

    yeah i went back went through about 20+ ps3 games none marked for $1 but one did scan for a dollar it was smack down vs raw 2008 which i left behind.
  10. R

    [Canada] Wal-Mart $1 games YMMV

    so are these games labelled $1 or do they just scan at it? i saw a burnout paradise but at the price check scanner it was still $20 only $1 games were a bunch of some aqua teen hunger force for ps2 Thais was in Toronto at the walmart across from sherway(East i think)Mall
  11. R

    Flyers January 14th-20th [Canada]

    Can anyone confirm if the list of trade ins at FS is the one one the site in the trade in section? Those games seem to have a $40 tiv at FS and that would mean $80 tiv to get a $60 game for free which definitely sounds like a ridiculously bad deal.
  12. R

    RUN! All games BOG2FREE at RP on NOW!

    the location at royal york and bloor in Etobicoke is pretty much empty only 3 ps3 games face breaker, rock band track pack:metal, ?aerosmith? sing star like > 10 360 games some wii games probably > 10 and like about the same for ds there was nothing i would seriously want
  13. R

    RUN! All games BOG2FREE at RP on NOW!

    does anyone know if this is still going on? i'm going to check an RP tomorrow, i just got back from a vacation and i hope i didn't totally miss out on this amazing deal. Anyone been the the royal york and Bloor location in Etobicoke recently? thanks to any answers and i'll post back tomorrow...
  14. R

    Best Buy Anniversary flyer Oct. 8-14

    Just to clarify, but if i used a game on the most wanted list for a power trade i would get the improved TIV and the extra 50%? So if i used Splinter cell i would get $45 off?
  15. R

    Best Buy Anniversary flyer Oct. 8-14

    hmm I wish they would put Fallout New Vegas on the power trade list especially since EB feels the need to charge an extra $5 dollars on it
  16. R

    Best Buy Anniversary flyer Oct. 8-14

    Just to point this out but the GTA is not GTA4, but is GTA: Episodes from Liberty City. According to the BB site GTA4 is $19.99 regular price.
  17. R

    Flyers September 24th-30 Walmart Anniversary Week 2

    it could be worth it but it might be crazy with the lines and people though if you mean late afternoon as in like 3-6 it might be better than going in the evening
  18. R

    Flyers September 24th-30 Walmart Anniversary Week 2

    I think i might have to pick up burnout paradise for ps3 and nmh2 for wii
  19. R

    How Should I Price Match This

    I was thinking that but i wasn't in my town when i posted this and so i expected the deal to be dead by now but i planned on calling today.
  20. R

    How Should I Price Match This

    Thank you I will try that asap
bread's done