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  1. Manloi

    CAGcast #307: The Real Geek Squad

    Hello! Cheapy, I am glad to hear that you are going to Hong Kong for vacation. I was born and raised in Hong Kong. Although I haven't visit Hong Kong for about 12 years, I missed my childhood there. The present Hong Kong might not be the British Colony Hong Kong. But I think it's a great place...
  2. Manloi

    CAGcast #304: Skum Baggins

    Daft Punk Intro/Outro Rocks. Thanks Cheapy, wombat and Shipwreck for this week's CAGcast.
  3. Manloi

    CAGcast #299: Dem Vault Symbolz

    Hello! Cheapy, Wombat and Shipwreck, Great show today. Thank you for the posting on Gamefly PC sale. I saved a lot of money on Spec Ops: The Line ($7.49). You are so right about the Xbox live's reward birthday gift. Since my birthday is in October, I was wondering what I will get from...
  4. Manloi

    CAGcast #281: Big Colors

    Hello! I watched the movie, Drive. Personally, I like it. I remember that you told the audience that Drive is not necessarily be good. But what are the reasons you want people to watch it other than "a real hero and real human being"? My parents dislike to plot and call it unrealistic. For me...
  5. Manloi

    CAGcast #275: With Respect to the Vita

    Nice Show. Hey Cheapy, nice ending song. But is it because your just watch the movie, "Drive"? Anyway, I totally agree with your opinions on the Sony's vita and the Wii U. I understand that Ipad and gaming consoles are targeting at different kind of consumers. However, for those who just...
  6. Manloi

    CAGcast #263: Offensive Magic

    Great to be the third to leave the comment, Great Show, Love the Skyrim talk. Skyrim did break my game on PC. I can't finish the Eye of Magnus (Magic School) Quest. Damn the bug.
  7. Manloi

    CAGcast #254: Spider-Woman

    Great Show, Cheapy. About 3D, SONY is release a new Product. It's a 3D headset. If you google "SONY HMZ-T1", you will see this new product. I believe it will be a more proper way to view 3D since you are wearing the glasses anyway. However, I think it's overprice and 720p.
  8. Manloi

    CAGcast #253: The 2011 Tokyo Game Show Show of Shows

    When you tell us about the Bangkok 8: A novel, it's kinda remind me one of the Nick Cage's Bangkok Dangerous. It's not really a great movie. However, It's a movie about a hitman in Bangkok. Good Show by the way. Anyway, TGS Pre-show press conferences from both Nintendo and Sony are sucks. Too...
  9. Manloi

    CAGcast #225: PS3 Blood Libel

    It was a great show. I agree with Cheapy, Wombat, and Shipwreck about the PS3. They never really update their UI and other possible options update. I play games on Xbox 360 by using a 16: 10 monitor. My monitor does not capable of doing 1:1 ratio scaling. Since xbox 360 does it, I buy xbox...
  10. Manloi

    GFW Daily Deals 12/2 -12/7 (FINAL DEAL: Max Payne 2 $1)

    Hello! Guys: Shadowrun for 99 Cents. Can you refuse that? LOL, Hope you support the shitty Games for Windows Marketplace! Manloi
  11. Manloi

    Games for Windows: Bioshock 2 ($9.99)

    Hello! there is a weekly deal in Games for windows live marketplace. $9.99 for Bioshock 2 for PC.
  12. Manloi

    CAGcast #216: The Mystery of Shaq's Toilet

    Hello! CAGcast: Really Great Episode this week, guys. Keep up the good work. A quick question about rating score in the gaming industry. This week Nintendo release Kirby's Epic Yarn. A lot of gaming site gave the game a very high score. Do you guys think that "Nintendo's classic...
  13. Manloi

    Free Medal of Honor Beta Codes - First Come, First Served

    Thanks Ship, Got it, 9TH5-W4CK-7LJJ-7P3E
  14. Manloi

    Spec Ops: The line Multiplayer Private Demo!

    Hello! Guys: I got my demo on Friday. I was excited by watching the trailers. However, I felt like the demo is like a mess when I got my hand-on. Pop-ups are everywhere. Control is like trash. I admit that I might being harsh about this demo. I am wondering how do you...
  15. Manloi

    CAGcast #206: The Star Wars of Your Generation

    Hello! CAGcast I got my Spec Ops: The line multiplayer private demo! Before playing the Spec Ops Demo, I was so excited about the game by watching the E3 trailer and reveal trailer. Finally, I got my private demo on Friday. I was so disappointed. The problem is, the control is not...
  16. Manloi

    CAGcast #200: Jews Gone Wild

    Congrats on the 200th episode! ^_^ Good Job guys. Thank you for responding my comment about Alan wake. However, I think there are some misunderstanding about my last comment. James McCaffrey voiced some character in Alan Wake, but he is not the voice of Alan Wake. So I am sorry to Wombat...
  17. Manloi

    CAGcast #199: Wombat, Wake Up

    Hello! Wombat, I am a big fan of your show, and respect all your objective opinions about the current gaming business. One thing about Alan wake I wanted to tell you is, the game has James McCaffrey's voice in it. I think you might be interested to hear his voice again after Max Payne 1 and...
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